All Chapters of JOHN O' CONNOR THE BILLIONAIRE TECH GENIUS.: Chapter 11 - Chapter 15
15 chapters
Chapter Eleven: The Power of Help.
-------John and Finn stepped out of the run down building, the warm sun beating down on them. Finn waited for John to unlock the car door, but instead, John stood still, lost in thought.Finn moved closer, curiosity getting the better of him."Hey, boss? You okay?" he asked, eyeing John's introspective expression.John snapped back to reality, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, I'm fine, Finn. Just thinking." He gestured to the car, and Finn opened the door for him.As they settled into their seats, Finn buckled up and glanced at John through the rearview mirror."Um...sir, why did you decide to help your former landlord?" he asked, his brow furrowed in confusion."I mean, he treated you like dirt and constantly insulted you. So why would you help him pay off his debt, sir? I just don't get it."John adjusted his seatbelt, his eyes gazing out the window. "It's simple, Finn," he began, his voice low and thoughtful."Karma. I believe in treating others the way I want to be treat
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Chapter Twelve: A Night to Remember.
~The dinner party~--------John stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his bow tie for what felt like the hundredth time. He was dressed fancily and extravagantly in a designer tuxedo by the famous designer, Reginald Laurent.The black tuxedo was tailored to perfection, accentuating his broad shoulders and chest. The white shirt was crisp and starched, with a subtle sheen that caught the light. The black bow tie was made of the finest silk, and John had struggled to tie it just right.John stepped out of his apartment and headed to the elevator, his heart racing with nervousness. He had never been to a party like this before, and the thought of meeting new people made him anxious.Especially since he had no memory of doing anything like this before. The car crash five years ago had taken away his memories, leaving him with a blank slate.As he approached the elevator, he took a deep breath and pushed the button. The doors slid open, and he stepped inside, relieved to be alone. But h
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Chapter Thirteen: A Face from the Past.
John's eyes fixed on Ashley's, his mind stunned in disbelief. The room faded away, leaving only the two of them in a moment that felt like forever. Long-forgotten memories came rushing back, filling his thoughts with painful feelings.-------In the luxurious Golden Palm Hotel of Florida, Miami Beach, FL."Sir, your dinner has arrived."John O'Connor, dressed in his crisp room service uniform, knocked firmly on the door of room 714. He fidgeted slightly, adjusting his name tag as he waited."Coming!"A deep voice called out from inside. The door swung open, and John's eyes widened in shock. He didn't recognize the tall man who stood before him, but his heart skipped a beat as he saw the woman in a plush bathrobe behind him - Ashley, his girlfriend.John's eyes locked onto hers, his mind racing with questions. What was she doing here? With him? He felt like he'd been punched in the gut.The man gestured for John to enter, and he mechanically wheeled in the dinner cart, his eyes fixed o
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Chapter Fourteen: The Truth About John.
~At a Cafe~Ashley and her friends were hanging out in a cozy cafe, surrounded by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the soft hum of conversation. Her friends were busy discussing different topics, their hands gesturing animatedly as they chatted.Ashley, though present with them, had her mind somewhere else. She sat with her elbows on the table, her cup of tea in front of her, and her spoon spinning lazily in the liquid.As she stared off into space, her friends' voices became a distant hum, and her thoughts drifted back to the dinner party and the surprise meeting with John. Her brow furrowed, and her eyes squeezed shut, remembering the painful words she had said to him in the past.One of her friends, Milla, noticed her distant gaze and reached out to touch her hand.“Hey, Ashley, earth to Ashley!What's going on?” she asked, concern evident on her face. Milla's dark hair fell in loose waves around her shoulders as she leaned in, her brown eyes filled with compassion.Ashley's
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Chapter Fifteen: From Loser to Billionaire.
--------"You...mean...John...the same John we all called pathetic?" Milla stammered, her eyes wide with disbelief.Ashley nodded slowly, her expression solemn. "I was shocked myself, guys. I mean, you should have seen him. He was all so different...""I can't believe this...John a tech genius," Kyla said, her voice filled with skepticism."Are you really sure it was John? Maybe he looked like John, but it wasn't John, but someone else?" Emma asked, her brow furrowed.Ashley pulled out her phone, her hands shaking slightly as she swiped through her photos. She found the pictures of John and hesitated for a moment before showing them to her friends.As they leaned in to see the images, their eyes widened in shock, and they gasped in unison.Milla's jaw dropped, her mouth hanging open in disbelief. Kyla's eyes bulged, her brow furrowed in astonishment.Emma's hands flew to her mouth, her eyes fixed on the screen with a shock expression."No way..." Milla breathed, her voice barely audib
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