All Chapters of Return of the Big Boss: Secretly A Billionaire Heir: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
41 chapters
"Wha... what?" Greg stammered. Dawn Entertainment canceled all cooperation with their family? How could that be?They had expended so much effort and funds into the project. The damage definitely wouldn't be minimal."What are you stuttering for?" His father bellowed. "Their representative definitely said it was because of you, and you must have offended someone you shouldn't. I couldn't even speak to the CEO himself to know what's going on.""Dad..." "Do you know how much we have lost in a day?" His father continued to bellow angrily. "It's my fault for entrusting such a project to you. Get back here this instant!"Greg immediately flushed and looked at July's face to see if she heard what he said. He was already in a complicated situation at home and didn't want to lose face.So, he could only bear it and reply in a low voice, "Yes, father. I'll return home immediately."The older man didn't respond and immediately hung up the call. Greg pursed his lips and slipped his phone back
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Dawn Entertainment...The company building was a tall structure with a beautiful architectural design – which was why it had won an award as the most beautiful agency in the entertainment industry. Rows of neatly dressed employees in suits stood in a straight line at the front door of the company, with two men at the forefront eagerly checking their wristwatches from time to time.“President, who are we waiting for so eagerly?” one of them respectfully asked, looking at the other man with a perplexed gaze. “The executive meeting should have already started by now, but you brought everyone out saying it’s to receive someone important. They are getting impatient, sir.”President Lawson wiped a sheen of sweat off his forehead with a handkerchief. He was a forty-something old man but still looked quite fit and able that one could almost think he was in his thirties. Albeit, his gaze was quite full of shrewdness and calculating thoughts.He hissed distastefully. “I know. I don’t like stand
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Greg's head snapped up at her words. "What is it?""Max," July muttered under her breath. But after a beat, she shook her head, trying to dismiss the thought. "Never mind. It's impossible. It can't be him.""What are you talking about?" Greg’s brow furrowed, his impatience showing.July bit her lips doubtfully and explained, "I just... I thought I saw someone who looked like Max enter the elevator just now with some guys in black suits. But it doesn't make sense."When Greg heard her words, he instantly snorted dismissively, "What are you talking about? Do you know what kind of elevator that is? It's the exclusive elevator used only by the higher-ups of this company.""Oh." July could only mutter. "But he was wearing a white shirt similar to Max's own. And Max has disappeared too.""Even if he was, it doesn't mean it is him. How could a loser like Max enter the exclusive elevator? Not to mention, he must have run off when he saw that we had caught onto him tailing us."Greg didn't eve
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A slender woman with brunette hair strode in with her hands in the pockets of her long coat. She had dark sunglasses on and from the aura that surrounded her, one could easily deduce that she was not to be trifled with.The moment she crossed the threshold, the executives’ demeanour shifted. Nervous glances darted around the room, some even coughed awkwardly. Max, sitting in the back, couldn’t help but notice. He tilted his head, curiosity piqued as he watched her approach.Meanwhile, the woman didn't seem surprised by their attitudes, her lips curling into a smirk as she snorted, "Spare me the theatrics. You all know exactly what I’m here for. Just because I've retired from the industry, you think you can mess with my artist and go scot-free?"As she spoke, she pulled off her glasses, revealing her face to Max who instantly whistled inwardly. She strode into the room, twirling her sunglasses, and it was only then that everyone noticed that there was someone behind her.It was the A-l
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“What do you want us to do then?” Another agent retorted sharply, making Lauren draw a breath. Lauren threw her arms up in exasperation, shooting a glance at Noah. "Whatever! Just make sure Noah doesn't get painted as the villain here. All he did was help her, and now, he's being crucified by the entire country."After she said her piece, she slumped into her chair, huffing. Max couldn't help but notice the way she threw herself around, a bit too recklessly for someone in her condition. But no one else seemed to care.Just then, someone spoke up beside Max. “Are you trying to say we should put the other artists at risk trying to save yours? The longer this matter drags on, the more it affects the others. The company’s image is also at stake here.” Max turned to the man who spoke. The guy had kept his mouth shut since Lauren barged in, but now he was cool and composed, his arrogance on display as he smoothed the creases in his tailored suit.A chorus of murmurs followed, the other ag
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"Agent?" Lawson looked dumbfounded while Max leaned back in the plush leather chair, his eyes steadily fixated on the older man.He nodded without another word, making the older man turn even silent. He stared at Max for a couple of seconds more, his unwillingness evident from his expression.It was fine if Max had just wanted to have his name on some position in the company and even better if he didn't pay attention to any of its affairs. After all, although Dawn Entertainment was an affiliate of the Norman Corporations, he was the head, and he did not fancy anyone trying to poke into how he ran the company. He had hoped Max would be content with a title and no real responsibilities, which would have been great.But an agent? Even though they didn't hold much power, they were still involved in the company's daily operations.But he could not reject him outrightly, and so, he pursed his lips thoughtfully. After a moment of thought, he said, "Young Master, I must dissuade you about this
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Max paused for a second before shaking his head and a small smirk appeared on his lips upon recognizing who was on the other end of the line. "Didn't you call me yourself? What's with the voice-mail?"Then, he slipped into the car and the driver closed the door, starting the car. A second later, an upbeat voice echoed through the phone. "Well, you did send me a cryptic message first. Fair's fair."Max chuckled softly at that but stayed silent. But, the other party was clearly more impatient and Max could practically hear him slap his laps impatiently."So what's up? Why did you call me?" He asked but before Max could get a word in. "If it's not about money, don't bother!""What do you think?" Max shifted in his seat to get more comfortable and leaned an arm on the car door."Let me guess..." The voice contemplated. "... you've got some job you need hands on and so decided to call me who you haven't spoken to in, what, a year?""One and a half," Max corrected.."Yes, one and a half,
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Max strode into the bustling bar, one hand in his pocket and subconsciously gazing around him. He never expected that he would come here, not as a bartender but a customer. Some of the customers on seat peered at his face curiously and muttered to themselves about how he looked familiar, but they probably never thought that it could be the bartender, so they simply thought it was a coincidence.He walked over to the private booth he had reserved and spotted Milton seated at a corner table languidly scrolling through his phone and a half empty wine glass in hand. There was a large table in front of him filled with different bottles of wine and ice, and he seemed to be having the best time of his life. Max folded his arms and didn’t enter immediately, peeking at what he was doing. What he saw, however, made him give a light chuckle, which attracted Milton’s attention, and he quickly looked over.“The fuck? Why are you peeking at my phone?” Milton chastised, quickly closing the screen
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“Max?” Alexa looked stunned to see him and forgot to speak or move for a couple of seconds. When the man saw that two men had appeared, he got panicky and shook Alexa’s wrist, causing her to stumble in her heels. Max immediately stepped into the booth and rushed over, grabbing the man by the wrist while she stumbled into a lounge sofa. Max’s frown instantly deepened, and his brows creased as he probed, “Are you okay?” “Yeah, yeah. I’m… fine,” Alexa slurred a bit and tried to sit up on the sofa. But her movements seemed sluggish, and she ended up hitting her head on the armrest instead. He expected her to cry out in pain, but instead, all he heard was her even breathing, as she had fallen asleep. A sigh escaped Max’s lips when he noticed the red tinge on her cheek and nose, likely from booze. How did she wind up in this place, drunk and stuck with a pervert? “Who are you people? What do you want?” The man still in grasp bellowed at Max, struggling to escape his grip. Max retract
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Max carried Alexa out of the bar, shuffling past a few drunk people stumbling out the door. He caught sight of his former boss, Sam, prancing about like always and yelling at the bartenders. He had planned to have a check on the bar operations, but he wouldn’t be able to do that today anymore due to Alexa’s circumstance. As if on cue, the woman in his arms suddenly shifted, and he looked downward to see her staring at him unblinkingly. Her eyes widened, coupled with the redness all over her face, she looked like some ethereal creature, but thankfully, Max was strong minded enough to not be shocked by her. He stared at her and asked evenly, “Are you awake?” She didn’t react or even blink at first, and Max furrowed his brows. But just when he thought she was probably still delirious, she suddenly slurred, “Max?” “Yeah, it’s me. What were you doing there?” She blinked a couple of times as if trying to make sense of what was going on, bu
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