All Chapters of The Substitute Son-in-law's Revenge: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
33 chapters
Surprising First Meeting
As Ethan had told Mr. Kinsey yesterday, today, the man in his formal attire visited an important client of Zenith Corp. And the first one was the Crown Reality company, Mr. Pedro.Ethan came alone without being accompanied by Hazel because he didn't want anyone to see them and expose his identity."Excuse me." Ethan approached the receptionist with a friendly smile."Yes. How can I help you?" The receptionist was no less friendly. Her smile grew wider at Ethan's handsome, beaming face."I'd like to see Mr. Pedro. Is he in place?" Ethan asked to the point."Are you Mr. Ethan?" However, the receptionist asked a question that made Ethan fall silent in confusion.Nonetheless, he nodded slowly."Then, please follow me!" The receptionist's smile grew even more graceful. She walked out of her place and behaved more politely as if treating an honored guest. "Mr. Pedro informed me that you were visiting, so I was asked to escort you to his room."Ethan gave her a surprised look. But when he re
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In the Trap
"Sir, Miss Celeste arrived with her secretary, and they are now in the waiting room."Having just stepped out of the elevator that lurked in his room, Ethan was already greeted by Hazel, who reported something in a hurry, startling him to almost falling over from the sudden stop."Who?""Miss Celeste," Hazel replied, repeating her words.In the next second, Ethan ran to his room and pressed the remote to close the window until it was no longer visible. Hazel came after him with a puzzled look on her face."Now's not a good time for her to see me, let alone find out my identity," Ethan said solemnly. "She came to ask the reason about yesterday, right?""Yes." Hazel nodded. "But I haven't met her because I was waiting for you."Ethan seemed to think for a moment and then looked at Hazel intently. "You'd better go see her. Say sorry and tell them to wait patiently. I hope you understand what I mean.""Yes, I understand. Then I'll leave first, sir," Hazel replied swiftly.After bowing poli
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Just a suggestion
"Oh, Miss Celeste, hello." Once out of the car, Ethan greeted Ariana kindly, as if they were not an ex-husband and wife whose marriage had been filled with conflict.Of course, Ariana felt annoyed when she heard it. Moreover, the man's smile in front of her looked very cheerful, much different from when he was her husband. And that made her fed up."What's wrong? Why did you stop my car?" asked Ethan, pretending not to know."Stop acting out, damn it! You must know what I'm coming to you like this for," Ariana replied in a raised voice."But I don't know." Ethan looked at Ariana innocently, making him look adorable. "I'm even surprised that you're suddenly here. It's an honor to come face to face with the honorable Miss Celeste.""Ethan!" growled Ariana with glaring eyes. "I told you to stop acting!""We may be divorced, but don't even think about embarrassing Celeste's family. As hard as it is to admit, you were once a part of this family. If that happens, I'll be the first to sue you
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No entry
"Hi," Ethan replied kindly.But then his face turned confused. "Excuse me, who are you?"Suddenly, the happy smile that had been wide slowly faded, leaving her annoyed face with faintly dipped eyebrows. "You don't remember?""Have we met before?" Instead of answering, Ethan asked back with growing confusion.The woman with shoulder-length hair snorted in annoyance while averting her eyes for a moment. Afterwards, she said with emphasis. "I'm Aurora, the only daughter of the Marlowe family and a good friend of Ariana, your wife.""Oops, sorry, you guys are divorced, I should have called her your ex-wife. You don't mind, right, Ethan?" In an instant, her pretty face turned cynical with a smile full of mockery.But Ethan didn't change at all. He remained calm and said, "It's you. Sorry for not recognising you for a while.""No problem. It's normal for someone who's never been around the outside world like you not to recognise important people," Aurora said, smiling so sweetly that her eye
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"Call your manager out. I want to see her!" ordered Ethan, looking at the three employees in front of him casually."You won't be able to see her for a long time. So please leave here immediately, Mr. Ethan," said the employee who had spoken earlier. Her lightly made-up face looked patient and friendly.However, it was different from the friend next to her, who looked fierce with her eyes squinting sarcastically. "You're not deaf, right? My friends have been saying it since before. You can't and shouldn't enter this shop. If you still insist, I'll call security for you!"Suddenly, the first friend immediately nudged her, warning her not to speak carelessly. But the woman with the little barrette on the right didn't care and said deliberately. "What? You have nothing to fear. He's just a poor man discarded by his wife's family, has no influence, and means nothing."Ethan's smile was etched without anyone noticing.He glanced at the name tags on the front of their left chests one by one
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Give Me a Kiss
As soon as the question was asked, Ethan, who had been serious, immediately fell silent with a faint frown. He thought for a long time until, finally, he shook his head softly. "Let it go first. There's no need to care too much about it. But don't let your guard down, though. Let's just say she's not so dangerous that it doesn't require any quick action.""But, Ben...." Ethan hung his words. He slowly moved forward with his arms crossed on the table, staring intently at Benedict, who was now staring at him tensely. "You are now my assistant, which means my person. From the moment you introduced yourself to me, you have no connection with Grand Master Grant or his family, Madam Celeste. You are starting a new life with a new name and boss. Everything from the past is gone, like a dream."Benedict swallowed hard. The aura his Master gave off was piercing, making him feel intimidated."Before taking care of what I said, there is one thing you must do first. That is the signing of the con
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After arriving at the hospital grounds, an old black car pulled up in front of Alvina, making her rush into the back seat before the four-wheeled vehicle sped away from the hospital area and joined the other vehicles.Not long after, the car stopped in front of a five-star restaurant. Alvina got out while smoothing her outerwear and stepped inside quietly. A waiter approached her and led her to the second floor, where a row of VVIP rooms were located.Alvina nodded briefly as she stood in front of the room at the end. The waiter left, leaving her alone. Then the girl opened the door and entered.A large round table surrounded by chairs was immediately visible to her. When she turned to the right, two single sofas were beside the window, with a small table as a buffer. On one of them, there was someone already occupying it.Alvina instantly straightened up and approached, standing by the table and bowing. "Thank you for saving me."The person staring at the scene outside the window chuc
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New Manager
"Sir, this is the new manager I told you about yesterday." Benedict introduced a young man who looked boyish. His hair was neatly styled with a slight tuft at the front.Ethan's gaze went straight to him. However, all his expectations of a manager who was older or at least like Benedict were instantly shattered.He glanced at Benedict with a doubtful look.Realizing that the Velvet Vault's new manager immediately bowed. "Hello, Mr. Ethan. My name is Bevanka Joshua. Mr. Benedict has my complete data. I will do all the tasks you give me well."Even his voice sounded crisp, typical of a teenager.Ethan hesitated even more."Sir, this is Joshua's file," Benedict said, handing Ethan a thick folder.The man wearing a white shirt today immediately took it and read it carefully. However, some of the words there managed to shock him into wide-eyed surprise. He stared at Joshua intently, not hiding his surprise at all. "This is your real data?""Yes, Mr. Ethan," Joshua replied quickly."How long
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Ethan walked through the crowded Pasaraya at a leisurely pace. The oval-shaped glasses already on his face added an addictive sweetness.He stopped in front of the branded watch shop right in front of the Velvet Vault and told Benedict to choose two couple watches. Meanwhile, he stood by the storefront, staring straight at the Velvet Vault just to watch how the fun happened.Both corners of his lips lifted, forming a faint smile as he saw how calm and mature Joshua was in handling the matter.Everything still looked normal until the hurried arrival of Madame Bernita, followed by Alvina, caught his attention."Esme! Esme, come out!" shouted Madame Bernita as soon as her foot entered the Velvet Vault area. Her eyes, adorned with luscious lashes, stared at the employees, who looked surprised by her arrival. "Where is your manager?""Madam." However, they were so shocked that their voices were stammering.That, of course, added to Madam Bernita's annoyance. She clucked and gyrated her wais
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A good choice
"What is the meaning of this?""Why are we suddenly fired?""Is it possible that what he's talking about is true? He's the new manager here.""We're dead if it's true.""Huss! No way. This is Mrs. Bernita's territory, how could it suddenly change hands? It's just foreigners playing tricks on us.""Yes, that's right. We must not be swayed. This is just a meaningless bluff."Instantly, the employees were abuzz with panic. But they still tried to deny and disbelieve what had happened. Nothing could shake their faith in Madame Bernita.Overestimating someone to the point of forgetting themselves made them even more unable to guard their actions and words. They forgot that trusting someone too much would only cause deep wounds."Madam, this... what happened? Why is there a dismissal letter all of a sudden?" Manager Esme looked at Mrs. Bernita with reddened eyes. Her voice became shaky. "What should we do, madam? I don't want to be fired. Please... this is my only job.""Shut up! Can't you
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