All Chapters of The Substitute Son-in-law's Revenge: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
33 chapters
Feel guilty
Benedict was a little surprised to hear his words, but he remained silent, carrying out his profession professionally.The security guard nodded in understanding and then ran into the house. It didn't take long for him to come back out with a smiling face as he opened the door wide. "Grand Master is waiting for you inside, please come in!""Thank you," said Ethan, who began to take steps with Benedict faithfully following him.The first thing they saw when they crossed the threshold was a hallway whose right side was filled with paintings, while the left side had two stacked shelves filled with unique items and women's handbags."Sir?" Benedict shouldn't have been surprised because the Waverly lord was a designer, so surely these were his creations. But still, seeing them lined up like this amazed him."You can ask whatever you want to ask later. Come on!" In contrast to Ethan, who only glanced at the items and stared straight ahead.A maid came and directed them to the parlor. Grand M
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Think About Your Own Comfort
After leaving the Waverly residence, Ethan did not head straight to Zenith Corp but instead stopped by a cafe to enjoy lunch. Of course, with Benedict and the driver.This rare event succeeded in scaring the driver. The skinny man tried to refuse Ethan's invitation, but unfortunately, it didn't work."Why are you just staring at the food? It's not going to walk into your mouth by itself. Eat it!" Ethan, who was about to feed his food, instantly stopped his movement when he saw his driver, Andre, just standing there with his eyes straight on the plates in front of him.When his gaze shifted to Benedict, the man did the same—making Ethan lower his hand and chuckle softly. "What are you guys doing? Are you not eating rice?""Ah, no, sir. It's not like that," Benedict replied quickly. He glanced at Andre and lowered his gaze again. "It seems inappropriate for us to eat at the same table with you.""Why is it inappropriate?" Finally, Ethan put down his spoon and looked at the two people si
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Ethan climbed the hundreds of steps at a leisurely pace. Occasionally, he would even hum some lyrics from different songs. The man seemed to really enjoy his journey despite how tiring it was.Once he reached a certain floor, Ethan stopped and took off his round glasses, put them in his coat pocket, and continued his steps. And on the next floor, he again stopped, only to remove one button of his shirt to expose his chest. From then on, on every floor, Ethan would stop just to do something.Finally, by the time he reached the floor of his room, the man who had been so neat with his refreshing appearance had turned into a shapeless mess.If he didn't remember where he was, Ethan might have taken off his shoes and chosen to go barefoot because it was too hot."Sir?" Hazel, who was waiting in front of his room, was very surprised.She hurriedly approached Ethan and asked anxiously. "Are you okay?"Ethan couldn't answer and could only nod with bated breath.Hazel grimaced softly. "Come, s
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Forcibly Expelled
Carver was so shocked that he stuttered. His mouth opened, but not a single word came out. His voice seemed to be choked with shock."Miss Hazel, what do you mean?" asked Secretary Iram finally.He stepped forward and looked at her with seriousness. "We came here with good intentions filled with hope. Our company may still be subordinate to Zenith Corp, but we don't have the slightest bad image. You must know Mr. Carver's true identity. The Grant family and the Celeste family are both families with clean businesses.""It's fine if this cooperation is rejected, but can you explain logically?"To people who were just observers, they were indeed good families who had clean businesses. Nothing Secretary Iram said was wrong either. However, things were different for the people who knew everything.Hazel remained flat-faced, not giving Secretary Iram a face at all. "As I was saying. Mr. Carver's name is already in the black book, so there's no reason for us to accept his cooperation proposa
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Leader's Arrival
"What have you done, brat?" snapped Mr. Neuman after managing to slap Carver as the man casually entered his office, not looking guilty at all. "I trusted you to conquer that company, not throw a tantrum to anger them! Tell me, why did you mention it? What are you doing, huh?""Father!""Shut up! I didn't ask you to speak!" shouted Mr. Neuman, getting even angrier.The next second, he delivered a punch to Carver's stomach, making the man bend over with a spontaneous cry of pain in the air. "Because of you, the company's stock has gone down. Stupid! You're a complete idiot, Carver! Not only did you not get to work with them, you brought misery to the company. If the others find out about this, you will be beaten up, and I won't interfere. You have to take responsibility for what you've done!"Suddenly, Carver looked up. "Father."But Mr. Neuman turned the other way and exhaled harshly, not wanting to speak anymore."Father, you must believe me. I'm innocent. They-""Innocent?" Unfortun
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Mrs. Bernita was silent for a moment. She was considering whether or not to tell her husband what had happened at Pasaraya. But when she thought that something like this could not be hidden for long, she ventured to answer, "The Velvet Vault has a new manager, and all the employees there have been fired. I don't know who organized this, but the new manager showed me a new contract. The choice is very difficult.""Was it your father?" guessed Mr. Celeste."I don't know. When I wanted to ask him about it, he wasn't there. I was kicked out for the umpteenth time," Mrs. Bernita said irritably. "That old man still likes to hide and refuses to meet his family.""What does the contract say?""80% of the profits belong to Pasaraya." Mrs. Bernita's frustration grew as she remembered this."What?" Mr. Celeste involuntarily shouted in surprise. "Seriously, Bernita, that's a huge loss for us.""If I don't agree to this new contract, I'll have to withdraw all the products from the Velvet Vault. And
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Not wanting to get stuck in traffic that could hamper the trip for his first meeting, Ethan asked Hazel to prepare the car immediately.The location of Senja Restaurant wasn't far. If the road was smooth, it could be reached in 10 minutes. But if it was blocked by traffic, it could take more than 20 minutes. As expected, today's roads were so congested that Ethan had to be patient as the vehicle he was riding in only moved little by little.Hazel, who was sitting in the front, took the situation seriously. She occasionally opened her cell phone to look for information about the road she was currently traveling on. "Sir, there seems to have been an accident. The cars in front aren't even moving at all."Then she turned to Ethan and asked worriedly. "What should we do, sir? If it continues like this, we'll be late. It's already been 15 minutes.""Is there no other way?" asked Ethan.He, who had been pensive, suddenly took notice of the surroundings, and only then did he realize that the
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"Mr. Ethan, thank you for your time. It was a pleasure meeting and talking with you. I look forward to our next meeting." Mr. Oscar stood up and shook hands with Ethan and Hazel after spending almost an hour talking about their project."I should be the one to thank you. You trusted our company and were willing to accept my request to keep my identity a secret. I feel very honored. Thank you," Ethan replied sincerely."No, that's not necessary. You're too reluctant. This is what I should have done. I know, you must have your reasons." Mr. Oscar waved his hand quickly, looking panicked as if he had made a mistake.But Ethan meant what he said. "I'll do my best for this project and take you to dinner in return.""Alright then." In an instant, the look on Mr. Oscar's face turned cheerful again. "I'll wait for the invitation."Ethan nodded and smiled."I'm off. See you later." With a familiar gesture, Mr. Oscar patted Ethan's arm briefly and stepped away, followed by Margaret, who bowed p
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I am not interested!
"Cuih!" Despite being in pain, Aiden still had the energy to spit on Ethan's shiny shoes. "Don't talk like you're a victim! Loser, do you think you can play with my family as you please? Don't dream! No matter what, I won't let your rotten plan succeed!"But Ethan did not respond. His gaze was fixed on the liquid on his shoe. Unbidden, he winced in disgust. "Your behavior is like that of a stray dog that litters.""Ah, I feel sick." Next, Ethan took off his shoe with his foot and replaced it with Aiden's. Of course, the man rebelled, but Ethan's strength was so strong that he succeeded with his plan."Although I'm actually uncomfortable having to wear your rotten footprints, at least it's better than your disgusting saliva," Ethan said with a smug face.Aiden gritted his teeth in anger and shouted, "Damn you, Ethan!""You're more disgusting than dog shit! You're a despicable man who doesn't know himself! You loser!"Only then did Ethan lift his gaze, looking at Aiden, trying to stand u
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"Aiden!" shouted Mrs. Bernita, opening the door to Aiden's hospital room in a hurry.Ellie, sitting in a chair next to the gurney holding Aiden's hand, turned around in surprise. "Mom?"But Mrs. Bernita's gaze was fixed on her son, who lay with several bruises on his face. Her tears instantly broke as she tried to bring her steps closer. Her trembling hands rose, wanting to touch the wounds but unable to, she could only hysterically call out his name.Ellie was stunned and approached hesitantly. "Mom.""Aiden is fine," she continued after a moment.Mrs. Bernita's tears instantly subsided. She turned around quickly and snapped, "What's okay? He's hurt and unconscious!""Oh, my son!" Mrs. Bernita's body almost swayed if Ellie didn't grab her immediately. "My poor child. What happened to you, dear?""Mom, calm down. Aiden is fine. The doctor already told me that. He only has external injuries. There's nothing to worry about. Come on, you'd better sit down to calm down." Carefully, Ellie c
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