All Chapters of The Golden Eye System: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
32 chapters
Unexpected assets [1]
Amber Winchester was all Lucian could think about. She completely occupied his thoughts.He was currently in the columbarium, standing before his godfather’s urn.This was where he had intended to go before crossing paths with Amber.Truly, he had a sister.The realization hit him hard.He clearly remembered Felicia being pregnant, and now it made sense—she had given birth to a girl. Her name was Amber. The timeline matched perfectly.Unlike Jakob, who was no blood relation, Amber and Lucian shared the same father, making them true siblings.Despite the fact that she was Felicia’s daughter, Lucian felt an overwhelming urge to protect her, to be the big brother she deserved. She seemed so innocent and carefree. Also, by being close to her, he could also learn more about what was happening in the Winchester mansion and keep an eye on his father.He let out a deep breath, a small smile playing on his lips. “I have a sister, godfather. Can you believe it? I can’t. She’s carefree and re
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Unexpected assets [2]
Lucian answered the call with a frown. He waited for the voice on the other end to speak.“Hello, Master Stone, I am Titan Z,” the man introduced himself.Lucian was taken aback.He pulled the phone away from his ear for a moment, staring at the number displayed on the screen, unable to believe what he was hearing. Frowning, he brought the phone back to his ear and asked, “Is this some kind of prank call, or what?“Lucian knew exactly who Titan Z was.He was a name everyone in Metro City—and beyond—knew. The man wasn’t just wealthy; he was the world’s richest person. A powerful figure who was well-known and highly respected.There was no conceivable reason why Titan Z would be calling him. Lucian was successful in his own right, but compared to Titan Z, he was leagues apart. They existed in entirely different worlds.“No, Master Stone, this is no prank call,” the voice on the other end responded calmly. “I was your godfather’s right-hand man during his lifetime. I’m calling to cong
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Vargley [1]
William ended the call, his eyes darting back and forth in confusion. If Lucian was still alive, then where was the imp?He had signed a contract with the imp so it couldn’t have just disappeared. The imp never failed to carry out an ordered, or never faltered.What went wrong this time?And if Lucian was truly attacked by the imp, then how was he still sounding like nothing happened to him?Knock, knock…A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts.His new right-hand man, James, entered. “Boss, we’ve been booked for an assignment,” James reported.“What kind?” William asked.“Kidnapping and ransom. The pay is substantial,” James replied.William nodded, giving his instructions, “Then gather the team and start planning. I’ll join you shortly.”James nodded with a bow and left the office.William exhaled shakily. Everything had been going smoothly for him. He had risen to the top, especially after news of the godfather’s death spread. As a result, he was getting more jobs than ever b
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Vargley [2]
Inside the Wellington Villa. . . Jakob and his mother, Felicia were currently visiting the Wellingtons. The whole family, including them were gathered in a long table, all of them occupying the chairs surrounding it. Old Madame Isabel Wellington, the grandmother of Riya had a happy smile on her face throughout the visit, including Verna and Riya who were sitting beside Jakob, with Riya clinging to his arm. The rest of Riya’s family—her uncle, aunts, and cousins—maintained neutral expressions. Mostly the cousins were trying to prevent their jealousy from showing. One cousin, Lyra Wellington, her blonde hair framing her face and hazel eyes glinting, finally spoke up, “Isn’t it wonderful that, thanks to the death of that pauper you married, you’re now able to marry Mr. Winchester? You must feel incredibly ‘lucky,’ cousin Riya.” There was sarcasm in her voice, and Riya’s smile faltered at the jab. Jakob’s expression darkened immediately. For some reason, any mention of Lucian alway
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Vargley [3]
The Wellingtons are an extensive family, made up of sons, daughters, in-laws, cousins, nieces, and nephews. However, only the most significant members of the family were seated around the long table.Among them was Tom Wellington, son of Madame Isabel, along with his only son, Charlie Wellington, and his younger sister, Narda Wellington. There had been another son, Riya’s father, but he tragically passed away in an accident years ago, even before the Old Master’s death.Charlie Wellington, now 23 years old, was the first grandson of the Wellingtons. Handsome and poised, he was often seen as the frontrunner to inherit the family business. Yet, lately, he had become unusually quiet, withdrawn even. There's something he's keeping from the family. Something they must never know about.Breaking the silence, Tom Wellington continued, “I think it would be more appropriate for either myself or Charlie to accompany Jakob Winchester for the business talks. This is a rare opportunity to sit a
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Vargley [4]
“Trespassing?!” Drake shot back, disbelief lacing his voice. “How can the boss be trespassing on his own turf, you damn bastard?!”Led gave an unfazed look to Lucian, looking unimpressed.“The boss?” Led scoffed. “Lucian’s no boss of mine. And this territory is mine now! Godfather is dead, and with him gone, Vargley belongs to me, not you, Lucian,” he said, his eyes challenging Lucian.Drake wasn’t having it. “Everything godfather had is Lucian’s now. He’s the rightful boss, the one to lead us, Led. So, you better start showing some respect.”“Respect?” Led spat, his tone filled with contempt. “I have no respect to give to a mere boy who was nothing more than godfather’s errand boy, Drake? He was never meant to lead, just to follow orders. Now that the Godfather’s dead, Vargley is mine!”Drake let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head in disbelief. “Vargley, yours? Just admit it, Led—you’ve thrown in with Craig, haven’t you, you traitorous son of a bitch?! You sold out to that snake!”
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Vargley [5]
Lucian vividly recalled the warning from his system.He shouldn't kill any humans.But the hatred he harbored for traitors like Led was overwhelming. Too much for him to handle.He had been trying—really trying—to keep his composure.But his rage was unbearable.He needed Led dead.The sound of Led’s groans was like sweet music to his ears, and a cruel grin spread across his face.“Your death would be a lesson to traitors like you and to everyone else who still questions who the real boss is,” Lucian said coldly.With a forceful shove, he sent Led crashing to the ground.Led cried out, his body trembling uncontrollably.“What was it you said before? Killing Godfather wasn’t an easy feat, so you owe allegiance to Craig for pulling it off…”Lucian taunted, his voice dark as he stepped closer.Led, sobbing and shaking, tried to back away. “I’m sorry. Please, just one more chance…” His plea was barely audible through his broken teeth.Lucian ignored him. “… well, killing you would be such
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Jealous Dana
As soon as Lucian and Drake got into the car, the phone started ringing again.Dana looked at Lucian through the rearview mirror; he seemed so deep in thought that he didn’t even notice the sound.Drake, sitting in the passenger seat next to Dana, searched for his phone, and checked it to find it wasn’t the source of the ringing. Sighing, he noticed Dana was still staring intently at Lucian through the mirror, and it made him frown.“Aren’t you going to drive?” he snapped, pulling her out of her daze.Dana blinked, shifting her gaze to Drake with an annoyed frown. She scoffed before turning her attention to the back seat. “Boss Lucian, aren’t you going to pick up your call? Your phone is ringing.”Lucian raised an eyebrow, finally noticing the sound coming from the phone beside him.“Someone named Beautiful is calling you,” Dana added, her voice tinged with curiosity as she watched for his reaction.“Beautiful?” Drake echoed in surprise. He turned in his seat to look at Lucian, wh
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A honorable meeting
The day before, Lucian dragged himself out of bed, attempting to shake off yet another sleepless night.He dressed in his usual black clothes, complete with a black leather jacket, and then stood in front of the mirror, staring intently at his reflection—particularly his eyes.Since the previous day, his system had gone silent, and he couldn’t shake the worry that he might have lost everything. His eyes were still gold, though.Clenching his fists, he turned and drove his knuckles into the chair beside him, shattering it instantly.“Hmm,” he muttered to himself.Even during the long, restless night, his Shadow Sight had functioned flawlessly. Maybe nothing was wrong after all. Right?He let out a deep sigh before leaving his bedroom and heading to the living room.There, he found Madame Jane standing in front of the TV, her gaze fixed on the screen.He could hear the news anchor reporting on a string of recent disappearances involving young girls. He paused briefly, catching some o
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Women like Dana
One by one, everyone arrived at the new headquarters, a massive space located in a small town within Metro City. The area was swarming with thugs, all of whom obeyed Lucian’s every command without question.The building itself was enormous, designed to accommodate a large crowd. Inside the vast, empty room, Lucian sat on a wooden chair, silently smoking a cigarette. Each person who entered bowed with a mixture of respect and fear, then moved to stand quietly along the walls, waiting for the rest to arrive.Dana glanced around the room, a smile spreading across her face. “Wow, this place is huge, Boss. How did you even find it?”Lucian ignored her question, exhaling a stream of smoke.“Stupid question, Dana,” Drake muttered, sitting casually on a raised platform nearby.Dana huffed in annoyance, her eyes occasionally drifting toward Lucian. Something had been weighing on her mind, and she needed to ask. "Um, Boss Lucian, can I ask you something?"Lucian turned his gaze toward her,
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