All Chapters of Secret Of The Billionaire's Driver : Chapter 11 - Chapter 13
13 chapters
ADRIAN POINT OF VIEWI began pacing around the room, thinking of what to say, in other to make Sandra come here without saying no. After some minutes I dialed Sandra’s number,She picked up on the second ring, almost as if she had been waiting for my call."Adrian, what do you want?" she asked, her voice sounding cooler than normal."I need to talk to you. I’ve got something you’ll like. Something important." I said, lowly checking around to make sure no one was there. Sandra was silent at the other end of the phone, and I could almost picture her glaring at me, trying to figure out what I was actually up to."And what could the great Adrian possibly have that I’d be interested in ?" she finally asked, after some minutes of silence. "It’s about the Ashtons. I know you want to bring them down, right? You’ve been looking for some documents that could ruin them, but you’re missing something, something you could actually use to your advantage to get what you want." I said, casually. She
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ADRIAN POINT OF VIEWAfter we arrived at the destination I dropped the ladies off, I finally allowed myself to breathe. Being around Sandra was very disturbing. She knew she couldn’t mess with me easily now, and that gave me some comfort.Later that evening, I returned to the Ashton mansion. I had barely entered inside the mansion when Ashley came towards me, she smiled at me happily, like she had been waiting for me."Adrian! You’re back," she said cheerfully, stepping closer as if she had every right to invade my personal space."Yeah, I took Miss Emily and Sandra out, I'm back now," I replied. I know I have to keep my distance from Ashley, because I know she's clearly interested in me."Well, I was hoping you could help me with something," she said, twirling a strand of her hair, giving me a look that felt too strange. She had been pulling this move for days now asking me for help with little errands that she could easily manage on her own."Help you with what, exactly?" I asked, t
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ADRIAN'S POINT OF VIEWI headed into Emily's room with determination, not caring what she was going to say. I had a feeling she would act up, but maybe she would come around later.I hesitated a bit when I got to her door, but I knocked anyway."Who is it?" she asked softly."Adrian," I replied.There was silence for a bit, but she responded, "Come in." And so I did.I can't lie, her room was beautiful. It was painted pink and white, with some big pink teddy bears. She's a girly girl, I'm sure of that, but she just seems to put up a strong front. On the inside, she looks like a very fragile person."Did you come here to gawk at my room or what?" she asked, throwing me a hot glare.I quickly composed myself and stared at her. She was sitting at a small table and chair in the corner of her room."I'm sorry, ma'am. I have something important to discuss with you," I replied.She turned to me, looking me up and down. "I hope whatever you have to say is worth my time."I smiled softly, scra
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