All Chapters of The Thunderous Come Back Of Denzel Chester : Chapter 11 - Chapter 14
14 chapters
“Everyone, this is the head doctor, he's here to settle the case” Anita informed, her lips curling into a smirk. “ Yes, I was informed of what happened, and thankfully, I know this man right here!He is a known criminal” The head doctor Sam, said, feeling confident in his lie. Denzel eyes widened in shock, because he hadn't seen this man before, why then was he calling him a criminal? At this point he was getting fed up, and his heart was boiling in anger. “ Like I said, he could have harmed someone in the process of taking this card, take a look at him, doesn't he look like a criminal who hadn't had his bath in 3 days?” Sam said mockingly, causing an uproar of laughter in the room. His girlfriend Anita had texted him and explained briefly what had happened, and also asked him to add salt to the injury. So, that was exactly what he was doing. Denzel clenched his teeth, glaring at the slender man who had a devilish smirk plastered on his face. “He might have even killed someone i
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Chapter 12: BOW TO HIM
“ Don't you dare move an inch closer to him!” A voice roared at the entrance, causing the men to startle and halt in their steps. The room went silent, as every one snapped their head to the direction the voice came from. Anita's face went pale the moment she saw the man standing at the entrance, her heartbeat picked up as beads of sweat started forming on her forehead. Tom, the head doctor was shocked to the core at who he was seeing, but he tried to hide it, “ Worst come to worst, I will deny everything” he thought to himself, hoping that would calm his pounding heart. The middle aged 6 foot man stood intimidatingly tall, his hands tucked into the pocket of his black suit trousers. His presence emitted a powerful aura,and beside him was Mr Mike, Denzel’s butler. Together they ambled in, their Italian shiny black shoes tapping against the hard tiled floor. “I'm sorry for the whole Incident, young master, I am Collins Waffe, the current head of Stanford hospital ” The man sai
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“Miss Harlow, are these the copies of your diploma or not?” Mr Collins thundered, flashing the documents to a visibly shaky Anita. Anyone who saw how talkative she was a few minutes ago, would wonder why she was shaking and finding it hard to give out a simple answer. “Ye.. Ye… yes Sir it's mine” Anita stuttered, tears rolling down her eyes, she knew she was done for, her secrets were open in the air, and there was nothing she could do. “Miss Harlow, you are under arrest for fraudulently obtaining a nursing degree diploma” officer Oven said, approaching her with cuffs in his hands. “What! She's a snake” One of the women yelled, as the room burst into murmuring. “Take her! She deserves to rot in jail”“Can't believe I bashed an innocent man and praised a fraudster” People began throwing in their suggestions one after the other, while glaring at Anita in contempt. “Sir please, have mercy, please have mercy” Anita cried, dropping to her knees in front of Mr Collins. Mr. Collins
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“So Mr Mortan, can you tell us a little about your former son-in-law, Denzel Wolin?” The female host asked, smiling politely at the man sitting across from her with his legs crossed. “Thank you for this opportunity. Although this is a very sensitive topic for me and my family, I will put it out there for everyone to hear and learn from it.” The man said calmly, feigning hurt.“ Denzel Wollin, was my son-in-law,who's now divorced from my daughter because we can't afford to have a criminal as a member of the Mortan’s family. “Despite having found out that he deceived my daughter into marrying him, we never hated him, we still accepted him and took him as one of us”“But that wasn't still enough for him, he went ahead to dive into a path that turned out very bad” “That's bad, and I am sorry to hear that” the interviewer said sympathetically, taking a quick glance at the piece of papers in her hands. “So when did you guys notice he was into hard drugs?”She asked, raising her head towa
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