All Chapters of The Clan Head System.: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
234 chapters
After leaving the dungeon, Morales went alone Northwards. As a player who was extremely familiar with this world, he knew almost everywhere and how to navigate all the locations. Just like he told his companions, he intended to go to the nearest town and get himself admitted into a Pugilist dojo. In Space World, for all 5 main classes, there are specialized associations that are recognized across the planet where all main class holders are accommodated and trained. For Pugilists, it is the dojo alliance. The alliance has its roots spread all over the planet, which guaranteed more chances of meeting and accommodating awakened Pugilists. For Espers, it is the Gene liberation corporation. For Mechanics, it is the Machinery temple. For Psychics, it is the realm of deities corporation, while the throne of magical arcana is for Mages. The dojo alliance is the biggest among all the 5 main classes associations, this was because the planet was still li
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           “Shasha came back a few minutes ago, why is she not here yet?” Lucia asked as she casually played with her pure white hair.            “Who told you that she is back? If she was back, I’m sure she would be here by now. You know how much she hates the mansion that her father built for her”. Melinda threw her a question in reply.            “Who knows?” Lucia shrugged. “Maybe she suffered a setback”.            “Pfft!” Melinda covered her mouth to stifle her laughter. “She suffered a setback doing what? Do you actually think that the castrated fool, Morales can resist?”            Both ladies were in a large room that was decorated with beautiful flowers and other lady cravings. What stood out in
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Entering the originally familiar Border town, Morales felt the evidence again that he really transmigrated into a real game world. Though the creators of Space World broke dozens of records with the game’s unveiling, it was still technically just a game. There was no way that a virtual game could compare to real life, the difference can never be completely closed despite the huge advancements in technology. Though he still controlled himself to walk normally like the other people moving about, his eyes kept gawking at the layout and design of the town. From the little that he could see from where he was, he felt that he was in a fictional world. Dozens of houses were orderly built across the town, they rambled beautifully across to form something like a prized painting. The people of the town all had bright expressions on their faces. At some moments, he subconsciously winked at some ladies who smiled shyly at him back before scurrying away.Read more
           Morales spent the night in a small hotel, they charged him only 5 Beiger dollars for a night. Though he had not converted his material loot to money yet, there were a few Beiger dollars among them.            The next morning, he rushed back to the Pugilist dojo. He was not foolish enough to go there late, which translated to him forfeiting the recruitment tournament.             On getting there, the whole place was already boisterous as people of various backgrounds gathered to watch this rare public recruitment tournament.            Morales did not stay with the horde of people, he went to the nearby guard and showed him his tournament pass. Before he went home yesterday, he was given his tournament pass.      
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Back in the Pugilist dojo, the spectators cheered excitedly when team B on yellow and team D on red clashed. Through the drones, they had a bird’s eye view of the battlefield, so they knew when team B saw their opponents and started preparing for the ambush. Their hearts were on their throat at that moment, already expecting bloodshed but the reality was far from what they imagined. Team red reacted to the ambush remarkably well that the threat was completely nullified. They were dumbfounded. “The dark-haired boy and girl on the red team saved their teammates, they are so strong”. One of the spectators said dreamily. “Are they couples? They look like one”. “Nah, the boy did everything. He noticed the ambush first; he was the one that saved the whole team singlehandedly”. Another spectator countered. “The battle already started here, why are the other 2 teams so boring?” A spectator said, already annoyed. Among the 4 teams, only
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Morales rushed out first as the others quickly followed behind him, fire blazed fiercely in his eyes. Even though his eyes were locked on the team A Pugilists, he was still keenly watching everywhere. He was right. As soon as they all started running, the 2 critically injured Pugilists among them turned tail immediately and started escaping. Swiftly turning back, he slightly threw the iron rod upwards before grabbing it back in a tight grip while forming a javelin throwing stance. His muscles contracted before he released the rod with all his might. Only a loud sound of impact was heard, quickly followed by blood blossoming like drizzling rain in early autumn. --------------------------------------------------------------- Critical hit -170 Your attack paired with an iron rod dealt crippling damage to your opponent. -20% overall health. Your opponent has been inflicted with the heavy bleeding status: -3 HP for 20 second
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Morales already guessed it, but still, seeing the notification from the system left him in a mood of ecstasy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Gene evolution detected: Under the influence of a situation of life and death, your desperation and unyielding spirit have enabled you to break your limits. Your gene structure has been remolded and you have evolved to a higher realm as a super. You have broken the shackles of your bloodline: Hidden bloodline activated: Space Neonate! STR +10, END +5, DEX +15, CHA +2 You have gained 10 free attribute points. You have acquired new skills: [Space bomb- contraction] [Space bomb- detonation] [Space vision] You have acquired a new passive ability: [Eye of the Neonate- Encompassing space vision] You can now see by feeling your surrounding space. Your perception is now countless times higher and no one
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After their various buses picked them up, Morales finally knew the exact people that survived. His assumption was correct, the 6 Pugilists that ganged up on him knew themselves before now. He learned the truth from the only team C Pugilist that survived. According to the Pugilist, the boy who led the others to gang up on him was called Ethan, and all 6 of them were childhood friends who lived and grew up in Border town. In the group tournament, only one Pugilist survived from team C, 4 Pugilists survived from team A, 3 Pugilists survived from team D, and the last survivor was from team B. Team C proved to be the most miserable team. All of them died except one, who was their leader and he was among the 6 childhood friends. Due to his strength, his teammates let him become their leader without knowing that it was a devil that was in their midst. Due to his cunning sabotage, they all became free targets to the other Pugilists. Team B als
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As soon as night struck, both Dave and Chloe went to the space at the corner of the room that was designated to them for practicing their techniques and skills. As Pugilists, almost all their training was associated with the control and use of the body. It seemed just like those weird cultivation depicted in novels to Morales but was much more systematic. Seeing them go to train, Morales also joined them to act the part. He already confirmed that he could level up through his system’s interface, so there was no need for training normally like others. Unlike them, the main reason why he went there was just to relax in a comfortable position and check his interface for his current attributes. He was so hyped up to gauge his current power base after awakening his bloodline. ---------------------------------------------------------- Name: Morales Clifford            Race: Human/Spac
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“You…, you! I can’t believe it’s you!” Morales exclaimed exaggeratedly, losing his cool for a moment. “Wait! You’re here too?” The girl standing at the door asked in a surprised tone, she seemed even more shocked than Morales. Dave and Chloe were left gawking, speechlessly looking at the 2 people that stood before them. It took some time before they finally recovered as Chloe asked, her voice reverting to its normal cheerful tone. “You guys knew each other before?” She pumped her fists on the air excitedly. “That’s great, it would bring more cohesiveness among us”. “Do you know that there’s an award given yearly for the best roommates? I think we have a good chance of winning it this time…” As Chloe was about to continue blabbering on, Dave quickly covered her mouth with his hands while directing an embarrassed smile at their newest roommate. “Hi, I’m Dave”. He waved cheekily at her even though she just stood a few inches away from him
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