All Chapters of The Clan Head System.: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
234 chapters
2 days later, Morales woke up early in the morning again as he got set to go for his daily training. After these few days together, he already integrated completely with his other roommates. And they already grasped each other’s personalities completely. Fortunately, they were all compatible. With the cheerful Chloe around, they could not fall out with each other even if they wanted. Just the next day after their tour around the dojo, Chloe noticed that he and Rose were keeping a certain distance from each other. She was puzzled at first but she quickly deduced that it was probably an old grudge. When she probed and they didn’t react as she liked, she pestered them for the whole day till they revealed everything to her. Morales was like. “She bullies boys that are weaker than her only to cower before those stronger than her. I hate people with such personalities, they are evil seeds”. While Rose was like. “I’ve tried to make up to him but he k
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Morales’s final preparation was complete, so he had no need of staying in the simulated forest any longer. He gave a mental order which the hall’s A. I acknowledged as the world before him quickly disappeared. It took him a few seconds before his sight finally recovered completely but darkness was what stared back at him. He blinked a few times in the darkness before he understood. After removing the simulation helmet from his head, his sight finally returned before the familiar hall again. Despite the intense movements he performed just a moment ago, he didn’t feel anything, rather he felt light and relaxed as the special couch gently massaged his back. The only defect was that he felt mentally drained. He could only rest back on the couch and wait it out till his energy recovered. He slightly inclined his head to the side, where Chloe’s beautiful face presented itself before him. Her eyelids twitched a bit, indicating that she was do
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“He’s crossed into the 4th level already! Which monster exactly is scaling the dojo dungeon?” A student dressed in red tight-fitting combat clothes exclaimed exaggeratedly. “And I heard that he’s among the newbies that were admitted just a few days ago. What a monster!”. Another one quickly chimed in excitedly. When a student is scaling the dungeon levels, there is an indicator outside that shows the number of levels that he/she has crossed and the current level he/she was in. This was Morales’s 4th hour inside the dungeon, and he was now in the 4th level. He spent only about an hour for the first 2 levels, but he spent about 3 hours just to clear the 3rd level. Despite this, his speed was still record-breaking and already attracted the attention of the whole dojo. Hundreds of students stood outside the entrance of the dojo, attentively watching the orange light that represented the 4th level. This crowd started from a student that als
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Outside the dojo dungeon, silence reigned like the lord supreme as the atmosphere became tranquil like that of a graveyard. The sound of a pin dropping could even be heard in such an atmosphere. “What am I seeing?” The hundreds of students standing and waiting outside rubbed their eyes in disbelief, the notification currently flashing on top of the dungeon entrance’s wall was too eye-catching to be ignored. “F*ck, the kid broke the newbie record”. One of the more mature students finally broke the silence with a curse. This seemed to be the fuse switch as the other students immediately started discussing excitedly. “I can’t believe that he did it. I really want to see this genius kid; does he have a face like us?” One of the students asked excitedly. “No, he has your anus as his face”. Another one retorted immediately but the other did not care, he still reveled in the joy brought by this historic moment in the history of the Border tow
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Being the closest to Morales, the 4 beast leaders were also the first that felt the change in his aura. They immediately adopted wary attitudes, but this could not still suppress their bestial instincts. The mutated Black panther, being the fastest rushed out in the front at Morales who gladly welcomed it with opened hands. Ptui!! Breeze swiftly blew past first, then the heavy sword cut down tyrannically the next moment. An unpleasant glaring sound of metal cutting through flesh reverberated, followed by a painful whimper, which formed a stark contrast to the originally chaotic noise from the battle. The Black panther dodged after detecting the danger, but Morales’s sword still cut a deep injury across its back. The flesh underneath that was exposed heaved up and down as the mutated beast cried out in pain. It was bloody. ------------------------------------------------- Critical hit -340 You have inflicted your
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Morales’s vision spun a bit, rendering his perception temporarily distorted and disoriented. When he finally opened his eyes, he was not outside the dojo dungeon’s entrance like he expected. He was surprisingly in a room. The room had a sci-fi look to it, its grey metallic walls that were gleaming under the light illumination stole his breath away. “Where is this? Why was I transported here?” He frowned. As he did a 360-degree turn to check out the room and to confirm that he was not in any danger, he saw something horrifying. A pair of eyeballs hovered at a corner of the room, focused and looking at him so intently like they wanted to peer through him. The sight was eerie-looking and could induce goosebumps in anyone. Seeing this, Morales shuddered immediately. “Oh, great eyeball, forgive my travesty for I have sinned. It was not my intention to barge into your humble abode”. He improvised on the spot, spilling a bunch of nonsense imm
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           “How did you do it?” Chloe asked curiously as soon as they got back to their room to meet their genius teammate.            “Zero, you’re so awesome. I’m completely blown away, now I can brag of having a genius as my roommate”. Dave didn’t care about Chloe’s question; he expressed his excitement without restraints. “Congratulations”. Rose simply said. She hid her complicated emotions to herself and located her chair to sit down.            “Zero, tell me, I’m really curious. How did you do it?” Chloe did not relent despite the interruption from her other roommates. Morales shrugged. “I did it the exact way that it’s done by others. I hacked left and right with my sword, that’s all. Oh…, and I also used my race abilities to kill most of them”. “Dammit, you didn’t use any special strateg
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When the sun started peeping through the veil of the night, Morales finally stopped his cultivation. After a whole night of cultivation, he discovered a few more surprises. Though he did not level up, he detected a visible increase in proficiency of his main and sub-class skills like basic body control and basic energy control. As he slowly pulled himself out of the fuzzy feeling brought by cultivating, he heard a knock on the door. He didn’t even have to think, he knew that his wayward roommates were back. “You guys finally decided to come back”. He said flatly after opening the door. “Hey, how did it feel staying alone without us? Did you miss us? Oh, I almost forgot, thank you for the dojo points. The night was a blast, we really enjoyed ourselves”. Chloe quickly pushed Morales aside and entered after he opened the door, with her mouth already shooting off words at the pace of a machine gun. “Good morning”. Rose and Dave finally gre
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           “Hey, remember our duel tomorrow. I hope you don’t cower in fear when the time comes”. Chloe said with a yawn as she stretched, exposing her perky cleavages before climbing her bed to retire for the night.           Morales was careful not to show any obvious reactions to the sight. “Don’t worry, I won’t forfeit the duel”.           “When the time comes…, it’ll be hard to know who’ll decide to forfeit”. He grinned.           “Goodnight”. Chloe waved at the others before closing her eyes to sleep.           Dave and Rose practically spent the whole day couped inside the room. Due to the loose manner in which the
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Morales felt a cool feeling sweep through his body, penetrate his skin, and invade his heart. Despite this rude intrusion, he did not resist it, he welcomed it with open hands. This is power! In just a single night, he already transformed from the cub that he was to a teenage dragon ready to soar through the skies. What better feeling was there than this? “Finally! After all my effort, they all finally paid off. I’m now a grade E superhuman; all hail the mighty earthlings!” Feeling excited was an understatement for his current feeling, he felt giddy with joy and over the moon satisfaction. After taking a few moments to revel in the joy brought by his successful breakthrough, he finally calmed himself down to analyze his situation properly. Despite staying dormant in one place, he could feel the power that was stationary in his body like a slumbering monster waiting to be summoned by its master. By this time, all the aftermath o
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