All Chapters of Chronicles of Kulkantzi: Chapter 31 - Chapter 37
37 chapters
Chapter 31: Cookie Crumbles
“Knock, knock, knock!”Silence.Serena and Alex stared at each other.“Well, don’t just stand there,” Serena said pointing to the door. “Open it, while I clean up this mess.”Alex walked to the bathroom exit and paused suddenly.‘’But how do we explain what happened?” he replied. “I think you should get back to bed.”Serena hesitated for a moment. “You think that’s a good idea?”“We don’t know who’s at the door.”“Okay if you say so.”There was another knock and Alex proceeded to open it, while Serena quickly jumped into her bed and sat upright.As he opened, a nurse showed up at the entrance, looking puzzled. “What happened?”“Oh uhm,” Alex scratched his head. “I was in the bathroom.”The nurse froze on seeing Serena sitting up on the bed. ‘’Miss Davis?”Alex looked at her and then back to Serena who was now smiling. “Uhm,” Alex stammered. “She complained of wanting to vomit. So I took her to the bathroom and she did - ”“I felt better after that,” Serena cut in.The nurse still sto
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Chapter 32: Spill it!
“And what exactly do you have in mind? Tyler eyed Diego in disbelief.“Simple,” Diego said, relaxing in his chair. “Grand Theft Auto.”“What about that?” Tyler asked, looking puzzled.“Well dummy,” Diego sneered. ‘We’ll file a complaint that your car was stolen.”Silence.Ryan and Tyler nodded continuously while exchanging glances.‘Why didn’t you think of that earlier?” Ryan joked, giving Tyler a friendly jab in the arm. Tyler smiled, a relieved look on his face. But the smile quickly melted into a frown.“What now?” Ryan poked him.“What if the cops question the timing of the report?” Tyler replied.“Hmm.” Diego nodded. “I’ll get a friend of my father’s to handle it. He’s a cop on our payroll.”“I’d drink to celebrate that,” Ryan declared. “What do you have, Diego?”Diego smiled, picking up the receiver of his intercom. “Send champagne on ice. Three glasses,” he ordered.After half an hour of drinking and chatting, Diego looked at his watch. “It’s already one p.m. Let’s go bail you
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Chapter 33: Awkward Meeting
A small, amused smile played at the corners of Alex’s lips, growing into a full, booming laugh.The leader of the gunmen, a hefty man with a scar running down his cheek, stepped forward, his voice a low growl."Ready!" he spat, venom dripping from his words“Aim!” he barked, raising his right hand.The blaring of a car horn broke the solemn silence. All eyes turned to the gate as it opened to allow the vehicle in.“What are y’all waiting for?” Diego screamed. “Shoot him!”Silence.“Do it!” “Sorry young boss,” the leader shook his head. “El Capo is here. He will give instructions now.””Cowards,” Diego muttered, shaking his head reproachfully.All the gunmen slung their weapons back over their shoulders, their eyes fixed on the black limousine slowly parking at the main entrance of the complex.“Move,” the leader pointed a handgun at Alex’s head. “And I want your hands where I can see them.”Alex put his hands behind his head and was marched towards the limousine. “My father will dea
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Chapter 34: Revealed
“Mama?” Alex muttered, narrowing his eyes in thought.Diego shook his head in disbelief, restraining himself from speaking to avoid further incurring his father’s wrath. All three men maintained a graveyard silence as they waited for Isabella. Within minutes, there was a soft tap on the door.“Come in,” Carlos said, puffing out more smoke. He replaced the cigar in the ashtray, his gaze fixed on the door.Isabella opened the door quietly, almost tiptoeing into the room. She was dressed in a denim jean skirt paired with a pink shirt. Her dark hair was neatly arranged and tied with a matching pink ribbon.She failed to notice Diego and Alex seated to her left, as her gaze was focused on Carlos. “You going to stand there, or do u want to sit?” Carlos spoke politely.Isabella stood transfixed, clutching her bag. “We need to talk, Carlos.”“Mama,” Alex interrupted, rising from the chair.Isabella turned towards the direction of the voice. "What?" she gasped, startled by the surprise.“W
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Chapter 35: Brothers?
“Alejandro, wait!” Isabella cried out, her voice breaking as she sprinted after him. But he had already slammed the door and disappeared into the elevator."Stay away from me, Mama," he said coldly as the lift doors slid shut.“No!” Isabella screamed. “Come back!”"Let him go," Carlos said softly from behind her.Isabella wailed, collapsing to the floor with her hands covering her face."Give him time," Carlos murmured, gently helping her to her feet. "He'll come around."Both returned to his office, with Carlos offering her a seat."Father," Diego said, his voice trembling. "You mean Alex is my brother?"Carlos nodded, offering Isabella another handkerchief.Diego sank into the sofa, his head in his hands. He still couldn't believe all he had heard. Until now, he had been the sole heir to the El Diablo empire. Now, he had a potential contender—someone he hated with every fibre of his being.“I’ll leave you two to catch up,” Diego said flatly as he stood up.Isabella was now in Carlo
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Chapter 36: Metahuman
"Are you sure it was thoroughly checked?" Agent Q asked, a worried look on his face.The computer operator nodded, swinging his chair towards him. "We're certain, sir. It's not from this world.""Just got a report from the police," Agent X added. "And it's not looking good.""Ah, there you are," Agent Q smiled as he turned to the entrance."What's up, Q?" Alex spoke, out of breath. "I came as soon as I could.""There has been an attack in Cosmopolis," Q replied."Uh-huh?" Alex nodded attentively. "When?""Today. The creature broke into an antique shop, killing the owner and his wife.""How?""Their heads were severed from their bodies.""Ugh." Alex recoiled in disgust. "Did anybody get a description?""We're processing the CCTV footage," Q said."It was damaged in the attack," X cut in. "But our techies are working on it.""So, nobody knows what it looks like?" Alex turned to the operator."Eyewitnesses confirmed it possessed the body of a human and the head of a reptile, sir," the op
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Chapter 37: The Reptile
Serena's voice quivered with anxiety. "What's going on, Alex? Who is he?"Alex held her gently, a soft smile touching his lips. "I'll explain everything when I return from this mission.""Mission? I don't understand." Serena clung to him, her grip tightening. "It sounds dangerous.""This is what I do now, love.""Why do you sound like this? You've really changed.""Cosmopolis is in danger. I have to go," Alex said apologetically, gently prying her hands off him.He stood up, facing Agent Q. "Let's go.""Miss Davis," the agent announced, "my staff will take you home. Your parents are expecting you.""But I don't want to go without Alex," she protested."It's for your safety, ma'am," Q insisted, giving Alex a meaningful look."Oh, uh," Alex stammered instinctively. "I'll see you at home later, okay?""Promise?" Serena's voice was fragile, laden with helplessness.Alex nodded, kissed her hand, and quickly left with Q. Serena followed them to the door, watching as they stepped into the ele
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