All Chapters of THE ASCENSION OF THE LEGITIMATE SUCCESSOR : Chapter 11 - Chapter 19
19 chapters
As Rachel leaves the room, Jake feels a sense of hope. Maybe, just maybe, he's found an ally in his quest to bring down Dorothy and restore justice to the company.But as he looks around the room, he sees the other board members watching him with cold, calculating eyes. He realizes that he's still in grave danger and that Dorothy will stop at nothing to silence him. As Jake leaves the meeting room, he can't shake off the feeling of unease. He knows he's in a dangerous game, and that Dorothy will stop at nothing to silence him.He thinks about his father, and how he always told him to stand up for what's right, even if it means standing alone. Jake knows he's doing the right thing, but it's hard to keep going when it feels like the whole world is against him.He walks to his office, lost in thought, when he sees a note on his desk. It's from Rachel, and all it says is: "Meet me at the old warehouse at 5pm. “Come Alone.”Jake feels a surge of hope. Maybe Rachel has found a way to take
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As they're released from the police station, Jake and Rachel are greeted by a surprise ally - another rival company's CEO."I've been waiting for the right moment to strike back," he says, his eyes blazing with determination. "And with your evidence, we can finally bring her down."Together, they hatch a plan to expose Dorothy's corruption to the board and the public. It's a risky move, but they know it's the only way to restore justice to the company.As they prepare for the final showdown, Jake can't help but think about his father, who always told him to stand up for what's right. He knows his father would be proud of him now.As Jake prepares for the final confrontation with Dorothy, he can't help but think about his journey so far. From the moment he discovered the company's dark secrets, he knew he had to act. But he never imagined it would come to this - a showdown with the ruthless CEO who would stop at nothing to silence him.Jake thinks about his father, who taught him to st
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Rachel's betrayal of Jake has consequences that resonate throughout the company. Her actions are seen as a betrayal of the highest order, and many of her former allies begin to question her loyalty.Dorothy, however, is thrilled with her sister's decision. She rewards Rachel with a promotion and a place at her side, solidifying their bond and making them an even more formidable team.As Rachel settles into her new role, she begins to realize the true extent of Dorothy's plans. Her sister's ambition knows no bounds, and she'll stop at nothing to achieve her goals.Rachel starts to feel trapped, torn between her loyalty to her sister and her own moral code. She begins to question whether she made the right decision in betraying Jake.Meanwhile, Jake is struggling to come to terms with his demotion. He's relegated to menial tasks and is constantly reminded of his failure.One day, while working late, Jake discovers a cryptic message on his computer. It's from an unknown sender, but the w
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Chapter 14
Jake and Sarah were hiding in their secret spot, with lots of clues and papers around them. They were worried that Dorothy's followers might attack them at any time.We have to be prepared," Jake urged, looking around the room. "We can't just let her defeat us without putting up a fight."Sarah agreed confidently we have plenty of proof to take her down, we just need to make sure the right people see it."Suddenly, the lights started flickering, and they heard footsteps outside. Jake and Sarah looked at each other with concern."It's happening," Jake whispered. "Get ready."As the door flew open, Jake's heart pounded as he saw a group of heavily armed men moving toward them. The seriousness of the situation hit him: this could be his final stand. "But if it is, I'll fight for what's right," he promised silently, feeling more determined with each heartbeat. Quickly, he took Sarah's hand and they looked at each other with strong resolve. They turned and stood shoulder to shoulder, faci
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Chapter 15
Dorothy held the sleek phone to her left ear, her footsteps echoing softly as she strolled through the vast corridors of the mansion. " that means you're staying longer this time around," she said with a hint of determination in her voice. "Yes, Mom, I have a lot of projects on ground," Lana's voice replied from the mobile phone, tinged with a touch of reluctance. "I miss you, my darling," Dorothy sighed wistfully, her words carrying a mix of affection and longing."I miss you too, Mother. I have to go now!" Lana's voice came swiftly, the dialogue ending abruptly with a beep as the call disconnected. Continuing her solitary walk through the mansion, Dorothy's attention shifted to her email. There, amidst the digital correspondence, lay Jake's resignation. A curly smirk tugged at her lips as she absorbed the contents of the message; finally, she had succeeded in removing him from Wallace's sphere. But Dorothy knew Jake wouldn't easily retreat. He possessed the same resilience
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Chapter 16
"I met with a man at the police station some time ago," Jake began, his voice low yet urgent as the train hummed to life around them. "He claimed to be the head of Blueroof Properties, alleging he had damning evidence against Dorothy—shady dealings and corruption involving law enforcement."Sarah leaned forward, her brow furrowing in concern. "Should we meet with him?"Jake hesitated, his gaze distant as he weighed the implications. "It might be wise. But bringing Dorothy down with the help of a rival company could have repercussions down the line."Sarah's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "If he truly has the means to bring her down for good, wouldn't he be a valuable ally in our fight against Dorothy?"Jake blinked, taken aback by Sarah's directness. "I... I don't want to risk damaging my father's company's reputation in the process. It's one of the most respected in town, but now it's under threat from within.""True," Sarah conceded gently, her voice reflective. "But just because a lea
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Chapter 17
The rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped the cozy corner of the bustling café where Jake and Sternice engaged in intense conversation. Amidst the gentle hum of chatter and the clinking of cups, Sternice leaned in, his voice low yet urgent, "So, I've compiled all of Dorothy's illegal activities into a comprehensive file. There's a detective already on the case. I suggest we share all our leads with him and ensure she gets arrested."Jake nodded thoughtfully, sipping his coffee before a sudden furrow creased his brow. "There's this man I've seen with her lately. Do you know him?" he inquired, concern flickering in his eyes."Ah, that's Victor," Sternice replied with a knowing look. "He owns a rival company in our business. And rumor has it, he's quite close to your stepmother."Jake's surprise was palpable. Could Dorothy really be moving on so quickly after losing his father? "If she's allied with him," he pondered silently, "then she might have formidable support." His realiza
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The Detectives
Sternice and Jake arrived at the local restaurant to meet with Detective Colin and his junior colleague. As they approached the table where the detectives were seated, the atmosphere was tense yet determined. Sternice extended a firm handshake to Detective Colin, acknowledging their long-standing acquaintance."It’s been a while. You were out of town?" Sternice inquired, taking a seat as Colin gestured for them to sit down."Yeah, please, have a seat," Colin replied, his tone serious yet welcoming. He introduced his junior colleague, a middle-aged man seated beside him, who wasted no time in addressing the purpose of their meeting."With the evidence you've brought us, I can guarantee she'll be locked up for good," the junior detective asserted firmly, locking eyes with Jake and Sternice."When we submit this evidence to the superiors, we'll secure an arrest warrant," he continued with unwavering confidence.Colin, the seasoned detective, then spoke up, emphasizing the significance of
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At the police station, Alex rushed in and sought help to escape from someone who was chasing him. He was really scared and out of breath as he told the officer at the front desk, "This person tried to hurt me and now they've taken my friend Maya." The officer sitting at the desk, used to dealing with these kinds of situations calmly, glanced up from his papers. "Please, calm down. Do you know this man? What's your history with him?" he asked, trying to gather essential details amidst Alex's frantic state."He's one of Dorothy's henchmen," Alex replied, his words rushing out. "He threatened me after I confronted Dorothy about her illegal activities at her company."As Alex recounted his harrowing escape from Victor's clutches and Maya's subsequent abduction, his eyes darted around anxiously. Suddenly, he spotted Dorothy entering the station with two men in tow. "There she is! That's the woman who sent her goons after us," Alex exclaimed, pointing accusatorily at Dorothy.The officer
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