All Chapters of The Return of Billionaire Quincy: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
163 chapters
Chapter 1
Quincy lay in the sterile hospital bed, his body motionless, eyes closed in his state of coma. Beside him, Kohler, his wife, was a vision of despair "I don't know what happened to you, Quincy, why have you been like this for the last three years?”Her voice trembled as she whispered.“You were once the city's most powerful businessman, the man every woman desired, and every man envied. What happened to you, Quincy? Please speak to me, please wake up…"She clung to him, her tears staining his hospital gown as she rested her head against his unconscious body.No stir, not even a flicker of response. Just the relentless beep of the heart monitor…It had been the same way for the past three years.“Can you hear me, Quincy? Please say you can hear my pleas…"Her whispers grew more desperate. She had poured her heart, soul, and all her savings into his care… only to be met with the same blank slate every single day. The doctors said the situation wasn't clear, and he had made no step towar
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Chapter 2
Life surged through Quincy, and he sat up abruptly, eyes darting wildly around the unfamiliar room. Where was he?White walls, a sterile smell, and hundreds of wires coming out of his body—it took him a moment to realize he was in a hospital.But how had he ended up here? For some minutes, there was just a blank… until gradually, memories of his life began to surface in disjointed flashes and sounds.Quincy remembered leaving his family in secret, to establish his business empire… After pouring many years of hard work and determination into his work, he had ultimately become a formidable force, a billionaire whose influence was unmatched in his exploits in the business world. Quincy became so powerful and held so much influence that was the reason for the Shi family becoming nobles.But that didn't last for a long time… He had expected his family to be happy for him, to be proud of him, but instead, they became jealous. Over time, the jealousy turned into a bitter conspiracy against Q
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Chapter 3
At the Walter family's dinner, three generations of the family were gathered around a lavish table and there was a sumptuous meal spread on the table.“Where did they come from? They look so cheap and dull," someone whispered right across them.Kohler sat silently, looking like a total mess. Her dress was still rumpled from her earlier meeting with Quincy. She sat at the table beside her mother silently and didn't make eye contact with anyone or speak to them. She still felt shaken by the news that she would have to divorce her husband.It was time to eat, and Kohler stretched her hands to pick up some vegetables from the tray. But her aunt, Deborah snapped at her."You're so mannerless and rude! Can't you see that no one has started eating yet? Why should such a poor and worthless thing like you be the first to touch the meal?"Deborah spat angrily, her chopsticks striking Kohler’s fingers and making her cry.Beverly glared at Deborah, offended that she would do that to her own niece
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Chapter 4
The entire hall fell silent for a moment, until Mr. Walter strode up to Quincy, his eyes blazing with contempt."You! How dare you show up here, with your empty pockets filled with so much attitude! You are so arrogant, and yet we all know that you aren't worth anything!"Quincy simply looked at him with a bored expression, he didn't want to go into a banter with him."Are you so sure of that?" He asked with a smirk.Mr. Walter was even more pissed, as he shouted;"Don't try to boast here, you bastard! I know very well, that you are just as worthless as Kohler and her useless mother!"He then added with a smirk;"And I'm confident enough that I'll even challenge you openly. If you can show me that have 10 million dollars on hand, then my position will be yours!"Deborah joined the fray as she directed one dirty look towards Quincy, then turned her nose away."Don't waste your breath on him, Walter! This man is worth absolutely nothing, so what's the point of you putting your position
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Chapter 5
Kohler shook her head violently, a nasty scowl twisting her face. "I will never marry someone else!" she spat. "My husband is right here, he's fine now and he's back for me." she said defiantly. Beverly's eyes narrowed with fury. She lashed out, slapping Kohler harshly across the cheek. "Who asked you to speak? Do you even have any idea what is good for you?!" she shrieked.Kohler recoiled, clutching her reddened cheek in shocked disbelief. How dare her own mother lay hands on her like that?Quincy swiftly moved to shield his wife, glaring at his mother-in-law. "This isn’t the way to treat your daughter, doesn't she have a say in the matter? This is about her lifetime partner! "he demanded loudly.Beverly scolded him to stay off her daughter, she didn't want her to say anything. All she had to do was shut up and marry Charles, "She has to get married, stay out of this, Quincy! Your time in this family is numbered!" She snapped. Kohler pressed herself against Quincy's back, seeking h
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Chapter 6
Charles yelped in pain and quickly moved away, cradling his throbbing arm. He had clearly underestimated Quincy's strength and agility, despite the man's recent coma."How dare you touch me?' Charles sneered angrily at him. But Quincy's gaze was sharp, his expression one of pure hatred. "You never should have laid your feeble hands on me," he replied.Grandmother noticed that both men were going to get into a fight soon if she didn't do anything about it. She stepped in and stopped Quincy before he created a scene. "You won’t tolerate such middle-class behavior in this banquet!" She shouted and told both men to step away from each other. "I have already made a plan to choose who will be the next CEO, so don’t bother fighting for it," she said firmly.Quincy couldn't help the smirk that tugged at his lips. He was glad the opportunity was open to all - it gave him the perfect chance to ensure Kohler's rightful place. "I will make sure no one else takes it," he declared confidently. "Koh
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Chapter 7
The lady looked at him skeptically. Wondering if he could ever have the number of the COO of the company. She looked down on him and turned her lips down. "Sir, I didn't know that you were here, I apologize for any inconvenience," the COO said.Quincy didn't mince words. "I'm not going to wait here a second more," he replied impatiently.The COO quickly backtracked, pleading with Quincy to hold on as he would be out shortly. Quincy ended the call, turning his attention to the receptionist.The woman let out a mocking laugh. "Why are you trying to sound important by making a fake call?" she sneered.Quincy didn't indulge her at all. He looked at her impatiently and then at the staircase that led up to the offices within. The lady was still taunting him, asking him how he could possibly have the COO's number."You think I'm playing tricks here?" Quincy asked coldly, unable to help himself. Her shrill voice was beginning to upset him even more. He couldn't hold in his anger at her disre
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Chapter 8
As Quincy stepped into the COO's office, he was ushered to a seat across the expansive desk. The man quickly apologized for the delay, inquiring if he required anything."Can I get you some water, and coffee, Mr. Chen?" the COO asked deferentially. Quincy shook his head, he was very concerned about getting the proposal done with and getting out of there, he had a lot on his plate to handle and Herbal Corps was only one of such issues.He had a plan that he knew would get the attention of the COO at once. He has to make sure his proposal is foolproof and one that the man would be unable to refuse. Coffee or water wasn't his concern, he wanted to get right down to business."No, I'm fine, let's get right to business," he replied instead and laid out the briefcase that he had arrived with on the desk. He pulled it in open carefully and then handed out the plans and visions that he had for the new herbal products line."This is quite genius, how did you come up with something so unique!"
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Chapter 9
Quincy left Herbal Corp feeling more enthusiastic than when he had first arrived. Not only had he secured a lucrative deal with the COO, but he had also thoroughly humiliated Charles, his uncle, and the saucy receptionist.The proposal document in his briefcase felt heavy, but he knew it was the first crucial step towards setting things right. To his surprise, the COO had been remarkably receptive to his pitch - far easier than Quincy had anticipated. He had expected that he would somehow be skeptical, after all, it wasn't very easy to find someone who wanted to just invest in a strange company and not just bring the Ideas but back it up with the money too. "That was easier than I thought," he admitted to himself as he strode out of the office. The COO was very understanding - too understanding actually. He seemed rather impressed and overly excited to work with him. He wanted to have Quincy invest his money in the company and he just couldn't wait to get his hands on the novel idea
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Chapter 10
Beverly stood fuming in the living room, Grandmother beside her seething with rage. "I told you, you shouldn’t have brought this thing you call husband here,” the older woman snapped. "He is nothing but trouble."Kohler averted her gaze, folding her hands defiantly. "He isn't the one who caused the problem," she retorted. "He was just here to tell me the good news, and Charles showed up out of nowhere, with his goons to fight him. I suppose you wouldn’t care who started it, because Charles is clearly your favorite." Beverly snickered, "I won't tolerate this anymore! If Charles can't have you as his wife, then the least you can do is respect him, you have no right to embarrass him in the Walter family home," she berated her.Quincy stepped forward, placing himself between his mother-in-law and Kohler. "He arrived here trying to fight me," he argued. "I had to defend myself. This isn't Kohler's fault. If anyone should take the blame, it's Charles."Beverly bristled, her lips curling in
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