All Chapters of DUMPED BOYFRIEND IS A BILLIONAIRE HEIR: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
50 chapters
**Chapter 11**The city’s skyline loomed in the distance as Matthew, Yvonne, and Lexi drove through the night, their breaths visible in the chill of early morning. The tension inside the car was palpable, each of them lost in their own thoughts about what awaited them. Victor Marlowe’s name was a dark cloud hanging over their mission, and the stakes had never been higher.As they approached Marlowe’s office building—a sleek, modern structure towering over the surrounding buildings—Matthew’s grip tightened on the steering wheel. He could feel the weight of the night’s events pressing on him, but his resolve remained unwavering. This confrontation could reveal the mastermind behind the attack and bring him one step closer to reclaiming his life and business.They parked and exited the car, their footsteps echoing in the empty street as they made their way to the building’s entrance. The grandeur of the lobby was a stark contrast to the chaos they had left behind, its polished floors and
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**Chapter 12**The morning light was harsh against the polished surfaces of Matthew's office, illuminating the exhaustion etched into his features. The weight of the previous night’s encounter with Victor Marlowe had settled heavily on him, amplifying his sense of urgency. With Marlowe's threat looming, Matthew had no choice but to confront the chaos head-on.Yvonne and Lexi were already there, their faces mirroring the same determination that fueled Matthew. The three of them were about to delve deeper into Marlowe's plans, and the stakes had never been higher. Lexi had been tirelessly searching through Marlowe’s financial records, while Yvonne focused on gathering information from her network of contacts.“I’ve got something,” Lexi announced, her voice trembling slightly from both fatigue and adrenaline. She handed Matthew a thick folder filled with printed documents. “These are Marlowe’s recent transactions. I think they could lead us to his next move.”Matthew flipped through the
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**Chapter 13**Matthew’s phone call with Lucas Marlowe was terse and loaded with tension. Lucas had requested a meeting to discuss “unfinished business,” hinting at insider knowledge that could be crucial for Matthew’s plans. Reluctantly, Matthew agreed, knowing the encounter could provide vital clues or unravel another layer of the conspiracy.The rendezvous was set for an upscale café known for its discreet ambiance. As Matthew and Yvonne arrived, the city buzzed around them, oblivious to the high-stakes game unfolding in their midst. Lucas was already seated at a corner table, his demeanor casual but his eyes sharp with a hidden agenda.“Matthew,” Lucas greeted, a smirk playing on his lips. “I’m glad you could make it.”Matthew took a seat opposite Lucas, his gaze unwavering. “What do you want, Lucas? I’m not in the mood for games.”Lucas leaned back, examining his polished nails with feigned disinterest. “Straight to the point, I see. Well, let’s just say I have a few things that
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**Chapter 14**The café’s ambient hum was drowned out by Matthew’s thoughts racing through the implications of Lucas’s revelations. He leaned in, his voice low but filled with steely determination. “What’s Derek’s real role in this?”Lucas took a deliberate sip of his espresso, clearly enjoying the dramatic tension. “Derek has been more than just a puppet in Rachel’s game. He’s been feeding her information, leveraging his connections to undermine your efforts. But there’s more.”Matthew’s pulse quickened. “More? What else is there?”Lucas’s eyes gleamed with calculated coldness. “Derek has been working with a syndicate of corrupt executives. They’re plotting to make it look like you’re failing spectacularly. The plan is to create enough chaos and doubt so that they can swoop in and take over your business empire.”Yvonne’s face hardened with anger. “And Rachel? What’s her endgame?”“Rachel’s role is even more insidious,” Lucas said. “She’s been manipulating public perception, using he
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**Chapter 15**The city skyline glittered in the distance as Matthew’s sleek black sedan glided through the streets towards Derek’s penthouse. The evidence against his brother-in-law was damning, and the time for confrontation had arrived. Matthew’s jaw was set with grim determination, his thoughts focused on the task at hand. Yvonne sat beside him, her gaze steely and resolute. Lexi, in the backseat, was meticulously organizing their documents, ready to present their case.As they arrived at the towering luxury building, the tension in the car was palpable. The grandeur of the penthouse was both intimidating and symbolic of Derek’s ostentatious lifestyle—a stark contrast to Matthew’s current struggles. The elevator ride up was a silent affair, each of them bracing for the confrontation that awaited them.When the elevator doors opened, Derek stood waiting in the foyer, a smug expression on his face that vanished when he saw Matthew and his entourage. The penthouse was an opulent disp
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**Chapter 16**The harsh glare of early morning sunlight cut through the large windows of the Donovan headquarters, casting long shadows across the sleek, modern office. The boardroom was buzzing with activity as Derek, Rachel, and their allies gathered for an emergency meeting. The atmosphere was tense, filled with a mixture of triumph and trepidation. Derek had managed to stabilize the situation, but the latest developments had everyone on edge.Rachel paced the room, her heels clicking impatiently against the polished floor. “This is getting ridiculous. Matthew Donovan is a pawn in our game, and now he’s trying to make himself look important. We need to crush him before he can pose any real threat.”Derek, seated at the head of the table, nodded in agreement. “He’s nothing more than a puppet. We’ve got him cornered, and he doesn’t even know the full extent of what’s coming. We need to push forward and make sure he’s completely discredited.”Their conversation was abruptly interrupt
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**Chapter 17**The office buzzed with the hum of activity as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the high-rise windows. Matthew Donovan strode into the building with purpose, his demeanor exuding an air of unshakeable confidence. Despite the underlying chaos that had marked the past weeks, he was determined to reclaim control of his narrative.Rachel and her brother, Derek, had been basking in their perceived victory, convinced that Matthew's reappearance was merely a blip in their well-ordered world. Their arrogance was about to face a harsh reality.Matthew’s first stop was the executive floor. His arrival was met with a flurry of surprised looks. The employees had heard the rumors but had yet to see their new boss in action. The tension in the room was palpable as he made his way to the conference room, where Rachel and Derek had called a meeting with the senior staff.Rachel was seated at the head of the table, her posture relaxed and self-assured. Derek
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**Chapter 18**Matthew arrived at the high-end restaurant, its sleek, modern design a far cry from the shabby places he used to frequent. The entrance was guarded by discreet but intimidating security, a stark reminder of the new reality he had embraced. His phone buzzed with a message from Lexi, confirming that the setup was complete.As he walked through the restaurant's polished marble lobby, he couldn't help but reflect on how far he had come. Once a pawn in other people’s games, he now held the power to reshape destinies. Tonight’s gathering was a crucial step in asserting that power.He was greeted by a flurry of familiar faces, each one a reminder of the circles he had been pushed out of. The restaurant buzzed with the hum of conversations, but Matthew's entrance had shifted the atmosphere. Heads turned, whispers began, and he could see the calculated curiosity in their eyes.Rachel was already seated at a prime table, her designer dress shimmering under the restaurant’s lights
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**Chapter 19**Matthew sat behind his opulent desk in his newly renovated office, the cityscape sprawling beneath him. The cold, impersonal ambiance of his surroundings did little to reflect the tumultuous emotions roiling inside him. Tonight had been a significant victory, but it was only one step in a much larger plan. His revenge was underway, but the next phase required careful execution.As he reviewed the documents strewn across his desk, a knock interrupted his thoughts. Lexi entered, her expression serious. “We’ve received a tip-off about a meeting scheduled between your ex-wife and a prominent business figure. They’re discussing something that might impact our current objectives.”Matthew’s interest piqued. “Who’s the business figure?”“James Parker,” Lexi said, her eyes flickering with concern. “He’s a well-known investor with deep connections. His influence could be significant.”Matthew’s mind raced. If Rachel was aligning herself with someone as influential as Parker, it
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**Chapter 20**The boardroom was silent as Matthew sat at the head of the table, the weight of the moment pressing down on everyone in the room. He had called this emergency meeting to address the latest developments. His eyes scanned the faces of the board members, noting their unease."Let's get straight to the point," Matthew began, his voice calm but firm. "There have been some recent actions taken against me and the Donovan Group. Actions that threaten not just my position but the stability of the entire company."Jack, sitting on the opposite end of the table, shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He had always prided himself on his ability to manipulate situations to his advantage, but Matthew's unexpected rise had thrown him off balance. He tried to mask his discomfort with a look of feigned indifference.Matthew continued, "I know there are those of you who have doubts about my return, about my ability to lead this company. But let me make one thing clear—I will not tolerate bet
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