Auto bot

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Auto bot

By: Bobby Updated just nowFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 18 views: 144

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Ethan a regular teenager who stumbled upon a powerful boy called the internal bot as he mistakenly activated it making the power surge with and made him stronger and his abilities like a bot but In a human body, harnessing such great powers comes with a price as the weight of the world rest in him after it was invaded once again by drago the alien dronix king.

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18 chapters
The world was invaded by aliens. Their arrival shattered the tranquility of Earth, sending humanity into chaos and despair. Yet, from the ashes of devastation rose a relentless spirit of defiance. Humans united, determined to reclaim their world from the external oppressors.In the aftermath of the alien invasion, humanity refused to yield. The humans seizing the invaders' technology to forge a brighter future. as humans harnessed alien advancements to develop their defenses and technologies, ensuring that Earth would never again fall prey to intergalactic threats.They began to lay the groundwork for a world strengthened by innovation, a world ready to defend itself against any future invasion from the stars."Watch it kid!!" A man grumbled as a boy bumps into him while running. But the boy didn't even stopped to look back as he kept on running, dodging a lot of people cause the whole street is crowded with people.The skies were filled with flying robots and airship ,while on the
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The was currently at the top of the building and could see the whole city From there.Just what test will he make us do' Ethan thought in his mind."Alright cool, thank you sir...much easier than we expected"Jonathan said.Ethan and Johnathan searched the room to choose the best bot among them.''Would he mind if I choose a higher tier bot ,and send me away because of my greed? Or I should just choose a lower tier one since he's giving it for free'' Ethan thought in his mind.After moments of thinking, he finally took a lower tier auto bot that looks almost like crap. Afraid he might piss the man off and end up banished."What the hell dude, what did hell did you choose, I must say you have a bad taste"Jonathan said.Johnathan on the other hand didn't mind. The dude picked the highest auto bot in the room with nice evo gun and gun skins."Dude, you can't just go around choosing those high stuffs like you own the place" Ethan said as he frowns his eye browns."Um..he did tell us to cho
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Amidst the heightened tension and anticipation of impending alien threats, a special delivery arrived at Bex Bots earlier today from a distant city. Rumors talked about this unprecedented discovery, heralded as a once-in-a-lifetime breakthrough.Unveiled to the eager eyes of the company's engineers and executives, the perfect creation emerged a marvel known as the Internal Bot. Unlike anything seen before, this revolutionary technology operated within the human body, imbuing the user with extraordinary capabilities align to that of a machine.Harnessing the power of the Internal Bot promised to redefine human potential, granting individuals the resilience and agility of robots while maintaining their organic form.It offered a good prospect for defense against future alien incursions, a fusion of man and machine poised to confront the extraterrestrial menace head-on.The revelation of the Internal Bot's existence sent shockwaves through the companies. Aware of the immense potential an
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Ethan Jones eyelids started to lift open as his vision was now becoming clearer again. He sat up and placed his hand on his throat and felt the pain gone"Took you long enough princess. Man I thought you were dead you idiot" Johnathan said as he walks out of the kitchen with his mouth full of food . the dude just walks around like he owns the place."What are you doing here so late at night Jonathan?" Ethan asked as he rested his back on the chair."What are you talking about? It's eight in the morning" Johnathan replied . And immediately , Ethan jumped up and went to confirm, truly it was eight.'' What the hell, So I passed out this whole time?' Ethan Jones thought."Your uncle came back yesterday and found you on the floor , he checked up on you and placed you on the chair to sleep. He later called me to inform me" Johnathan explained and saw that his best friend was lost in thought.'So just that small liquid did this to me? Just like the way a robot hates water that's the same w
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The bex bots companies later broke the bots down to bits to fit your budgets. You can purchase a full Autobot if you have the cash, but if you don't, you can always purchase the body part of the bot you see fit.Some buy the legs to help them fly for three hours max cause of the rocket that's beneath it . some choose hands cause of The blasters, some choose body to aid them. But even those body parts aren't cheap at all, it's most likely this guys stole it , cause based on their looks they look like thugs .While debating weather to fight them or not, a punch was landed on johnathan's face. Not just ordinary punch, the dude had Autobot arm causing blood to be drawn.Seeing this, Ethan knew it was no joke and he needs to act fast before they do worse to his best friend.The guy pulled his arm backwards again and swung it out aiming for johnathan's head , but the punch was stopped half way by Ethan Jones.Ethan Jones used his hand to stop the punch, and immediately clenched his right h
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Johnathan watched in disbelief as Ethan approached, The sight of his friend, who was ordinary and weak, now having strength and confidence, left Johnathan reeling with a mixture of awe and concern.As Ethan Jones reached him, Johnathan couldn't help but feel a pang of worry at the sight of his friend's altered state."You okay?" Ethan's voice cut through the silence, drawing Johnathan's attention to the trickle of blood seeping from a gash on his forehead. With gentle concern, Ethan reached out to inspect the wound, his touch surprisingly gentle despite the raw power that now coursed through him.Johnathan nodded, his mind swirling with questions and apprehensions. He couldn't shake the feeling that Ethan Jones was no longer the same person he once knew that he looks different.As Ethan Jones tended to his injuries, Johnathan couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead for his friend. With the power of the Internal Bot at his disposal, Ethan was determined to embark on a journey of discov
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Classes were over , and it was now time for gym class.Ethan Jones and Johnathan were in the basketball team. Although they never played a single game ever since they joined the school. Reason because, this game isn't like the usual basket ball ,where the players just bounce around and score.This one is a more typical, intense , and dangerous kind.The players put on a full auto bot while playing this game. They do anything to get the ball away from their opponent, and anything to score ,even if they needed to blast the player off.So since the two boys didn't have an auto bot, they were placed on the bench since then.Although , its not compulsory to use an auto bot during the game but the auto bot serves as a boost to them.But today's training was different, coach Hendrix decided to put on the players without auto bot to test out their skills and see if they are worthy to play the actual game.That included Ethan and Johnathan of course. Even if Johnathan won't be so lucky cause h
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In the headquarters of BEX BOTS LIMITED, the atmosphere hummed with a sense of purpose and urgency. Throughout the expansive office space, personnel and staff members were engrossed in their work, their attention fixed on the glowing screens of their computers.The sound of keyboards being struck echoed through the room, punctuating the otherwise quiet environment with a steady cadence. With a testament to the focused dedication of the employees, as they diligently inputted data, drafted reports, and communicated with colleagues and clients.Despite the absence of spoken words, the silent symphony of keystrokes spoke volumes about the dedication and determination that permeated the company's culture.As the workers were all focused on their jobs, the entrance door of the room slid open, all eyes turned toward the figure who entered, a middle aged man who was wearing a white suit. His presence commanded attention, and a hush fell over the room as he addressed the assembled personnel."
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Mr. Hendrix's office was a spacious and well designed room, with sleek modern furnishings windows that offered a panoramic view of the city skyline. Seated behind his polished desk, Mr. Hendrix greeted Ethan with a warm yet inscrutable smile. His piercing gaze seemed to bore into Ethan, as if searching for answers hidden beneath the surface."Ethan," Mr. Hendrix began, his voice measured and authoritative. "I couldn't help but notice your remarkable performance in the basketball game earlier today. In particular, I'm intrigued by your ability to withstand the collision with a player wearing a bot."he said.Ethan swallowed nervously, aware of the weight of Mr. Hendrix's unexpected praise. He struggled to find the right words to explain the inexplicable."Well, sir," Ethan began tentatively, "I'm not entirely sure how to explain it myself. It was just... instinct, I suppose. I didn't consciously do anything different, but somehow I managed to stay on my feet." Ethan said.Mr. Hendrix n
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The two friends walked on in silence, each lost in their own thoughts as they grappled with the revelation that threatened to reshape their understanding of the world around them.For Ethan and Johnathan, the journey home was a journey into the unknown, filled with questions and uncertainties that would linger long after they reached their destination.As the sun rose on the following day, the halls of BEX BOT company buzzed with activity as employees filed into the office, ready to tackle the day's tasks. Among them, Mr. Dominic, head of security, stood at the forefront, his expression grim as he gathered a team of security personnel for a special assignment.In the meeting room, Mr. Dominic addressed the assembled security team, his voice carrying a sense of urgency that left no room for doubt."Listen up, everyone," he began, his tone commanding attention. "We have reason to believe that the thieves responsible for the bot theft may have ties to the school attended by one of our ow
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