All Chapters of ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE SYSTEM : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
10 chapters
chapter one
{ BEFORE THE APOCALYPSE } " You do know my wife is hosting this party for your birthday?" Rick grinned looking at Mark as they stake out at the front of Lord Patrick's home. " I told you, Rick. Cassandra is planning a surprise party also and gosh I can't wait to have her all to myself." Mark replied " Cassandra? The girl with a big tilt." Rick looked at Mark and laughed. " Don't laugh, she is the woman I wanna spend the rest of my life with." Mark burst out laughing " oh really? You said the same thing when you met with, Lily. Or do I need to remind you?" Rick laughed passing the stethoscope to Mark. " Patrick is on the move, We need to catch him in the act if we are going to have him arrested. Let's go!." Lord Patrick was being watched by the FBI for some time now. He had been involved in some drug dealing and needed to be brought in. Rick took out his radio phone calling all police units. As the police units mobilized, Rick and Mark stealthily moved closer to Lord P
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chapter two
{ A LOST WORLD } WEEK THREE Rick woke up and saw the ward door was barred. He remembered trying to reach for a letter and quickly got up. He unplugged the machine he had stopped working and looked around. The hospital was a mess. " what happened here?" Rick asked himself as he walked closer to the window that was closed. Looking outside the hospital, Rick saw a lot of people walking up and down in circles. He was confused. " Why are there a lot of people at the hospital? is there an emergency?" He asked himself walking back to his bed He looked at the bed where he had seen a letter from Martha but it was no longer there. Looking at the beautiful flowers, they all seem old now and withered. " How long have I slept for?" Rick looked at the calendar right in front of him. " Have I been asleep for three years? l or three weeks?" He asked himself checking out the year on the calendar. The static television began to make some weird sound causing a little bit of noise. Rick looked up a
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chapter three
Rick's eyes fluttered open, and he found himself in a dimly lit room. His head raced from the blow, and for a moment, he struggled to remember where he was. The recent events came rushing back – the hospital, the zombies, the strange system, and the group of survivors."You're awake," a voice said, startling him. Rick turned to see a man in his late forties sitting beside him. He had a rugged look, with a scruffy beard and a determined expression. "You had a rough time out there. You could have died out there. what were you thinking?" Rick tried to sit up but winced as he felt a sharp pain through his body. "Where am I?""You're safe for now," the man replied. "We brought you back to our hideout. My name is Greg, by the way."Rick looked around, noticing a few others in the room, including the woman who had initially approached him outside the hospital. She was speaking quietly with another man, her face filled with worry. Rick looked at the room and saw they were in a well-furnished
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chapter four
Rick and Emily stood frozen, eyes wide as the arrow's tip was pointed at their faces. The archer, a woman in her mid-thirties with fierce eyes and a no-nonsense demeanor stepped forward, her bow still drawn and aimed at Rick's head."Who are you, and what are you doing here?" she demanded, her voice showing she wasn't ready to listen to stories. " Details." She added looking at Rick and Emily Rick raised his hands slowly, signaling he meant no harm. "I'm Rick, this is Emily. We just need to get inside the station to gather supplies. We're not here to cause trouble." The woman narrowed her eyes, assessing them for a moment before finally lowering her bow. "I'm Lisa. This place is crawling with infected. You two have a death wish or something?" Rick sighed in relief as he lowered his hands. "No death wish. Just trying to survive. We heard a gunshot. Was that you?" Lisa shook her head. "No, but I've been tracking a group of raiders who were making their way here. Looks like they migh
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chapter five
"What was that for? You don't have to kill her." Rick shouted pointing his gun at Lisa while she also pointed her arrow at him. " She was slowing us down and killing her was the best option. The tension became palpable while both of them had their weapons pointed at each other. They didn't know the zombie was closing in on them. Seeing Emily's corpses the horde were over her eating every bit they want. Rick watched as he puked over the fence. He looked at the system message and picked, crackers. he wondered what the crackers were for anyway. Immediately it appeared right in front of him and Lisa was astonished. " how did you do this?" Rick said nothing but he turned back to walk. A was met by a stern face. The man's looks showed he was having a battered face with marks. He had a gun on one of his hands and a bow on the other. " I would drop that if I wear you." He looked at Lisa and back at Rick." If you haven't noticed, you are outnumbered," Rick replied walking closer to him. "
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chapter six
" Are they dead?" Lisa asked cupping Rick's face in her palms. "No, ark get them out in time. Here is. route and location they are. We are going to find them and join with them. I am sure we could be safe with Mark." Rick smiled knowing his family was safe. " But first we need to get dressed and have a warm bath. He stood up and walked about waking into his room and he had another severe headache. Rick groaned as he fell to the floor. Lisa watched and was scared not knowing what to do. She couldn't possibly call 911 everything was in shambles. An encrypted message appeared before Rick [ SYSTEM TASK; FIND A HOSPITAL THAT WOULD TAKE YOUR BLOOD SAMPLES. A MESSAGE WILL BE SENT TO YOU ON HOW YOU ARE GOING TO FIND THEM ][ SYSTEM REWARD; A NEW SUV RIDE WITH LOTS OF COMFORMITIES ] Rick felt his headache gone and looked at Lisa. " There is a change of plan. We need to find a hospital." Rick’s hands trembled as he read the system message. The headache that had momentarily paralyzed him fad
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chapter seven
Lisa and Alex saw many people tied to poles that were being experimented on. Alex felt a sharp pain in his head again and he fell to the ground. The system sends a message again. [ SYSTEM MESSAGE: THE HOSPITAL HAS BEEN COMPROMISED, LEAVE AND MOVE TO A SAFE LOCATION][ SYSTEM REWARD; YOUR SUV AWAITS YOU JUST OUTSIDE THE HOSPITAL. MAKE IT THERE IN TIME BEFORE THE HERD REACHES YOU ] Alex got up " It looks like this place has been overrun with some shady people. The system just asked us to leave." He sighed looking at Alex's face. " Look, that is Doctor Morgan," Lisa shouted looking at Alex to walk closer to the Zombie with a white uniform. " I think whoever was outside there killed the real Doctor Morgan. We have to leave here as soon as possible." Alex looked at Lisa " Did the system tell you anywhere we are supposed to go?" Lisa quickly shot a zombie that was moving closer to them in the head. " I think there is something special about them. " Alex walked closer to the cage lo
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chapter eight
Rick was surprised to see a zombie staring at him and Lisa as they unbarred the door. "What the hell is that?" Lisa shouted, helping Rick to have the door closed back. "We need a way out of here." Lisa looked at Rick, who was pacing up and down. The whole hospital had been taken over by the horde. Their noise was visibly heard as Rick kept pacing back and forth. The system had provided a ride, and all they needed was to get there in time. "Did you see that?" Lisa looked at Rick. "And can you stop pacing? You are making me nervous." "I didn't see what you saw, Lisa. I saw a zombie that was ready to attack us, if that is what you are asking of me." Rick said, gently rubbing his hands over his hair. He brought out his gun and checked the rounds he had left. He knew a few rounds would save them from the zombies. He needed a plan, and it had to be fast. "The zombie we saw when the door was opened was different. It is almost like she knew what she was doing." Lisa tried to gain Rick's at
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chapter nine
Rick looked at Lisa and noticed she was getting hot. He looked at the SUV van and quickly ran towards it, trying to open the door. "Damn it!" Rick shouted. "What is it?" Lisa managed to speak, looking at Rick, who was getting worked up. They both looked back and saw Morgan walking towards them with the herd. Rick looked around and saw an iron bar that he used to pry the door open. He ran back towards Lisa and helped her to her feet. They managed to get into the SUV van just in time before the hearing got to them. "You can hide forever." Morgan shouted with her face, now a zombie."What did your blood do to her?" Lisa looked at Rick. "I am not sure. How are you feeling?" Rick looked at Lisa. He saw that her eyes were getting white and were looking horrible. He knew she was changing. Lisa noticed the look on his face and smiled. "You don't have to look at me like that." She said and coughed,vomiting some blood. Rick looked around the van and gave her a white cloth. The van shook gre
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chapter eleven
"Jack?" Rick said it in disbelief. "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked, picking up his baton. "The last time I heard..." "I was in Singapore." Jack replied, looking at Rick. He saw the state he was in and sighed. "I can't believe this would be the end of the world. I had always pictured the aliens coming for us, but now I can't anymore. It is too much for me to bear." Jack said it with a sad face. Jack and Rick had been childhood friends. They both planned to become officers of the law, but then Jack's parents went against it and had him flown out of the country. "What about your parents? Are they alright?" Rick looked at him, and he shook his head. "Are you telling me Singapore is in the same dilemma that we are?" Rick asked, looking scared. "Didn't you listen to the news? Almost all the countries are hit with the virus. There is no place to hide." Jack replied and looked up. "What is that?" He said, holding his baton firm. " What?" Rick asked, turning back to look at wh
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