All Chapters of Forbidden Heir: Chapter 11 - Chapter 18
18 chapters
Chapter 011: On the Way
Chapter 011: On the WayThroughout the trip, it was quiet in the car. Both Terry and Kai were lost in their own thoughts.Terry turned his head towards the window, looking at the many tall buildings along the road he passed.Terry looked bored with this silence. Moreover, Kai didn't say anything about the work he was going to do. A rough sigh escaped his lips."Kai?" Terry called out after a long time of being stuck in silence."What's wrong?" Kai replied. He did not turn his head toward Terry. His eyes were still focused on the slightly congested road."When I'm at Van Derrick's office, what will I be working as?" He asked in a low voice. "Anyway, I have to know about the job I'll be doing first," he continued.Kai was silent. His mouth was locked tightly. His hands gripped the steering wheel quite firmly, as if he were holding back the emotions that were about to burst out. However, his facial expression did not change in the slightest, looking flat and expressionless. a"
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Chapter 012: A Strange Place
Chapter 012: A Strange Place"Kai, are you sure the place its safe?" Terry asked. He cast his eyes around. The courtyard of the building looked messy, with trash and leaves scattered about. Tendrils were thriving on the walls, dangling on each side of the walls. The paint on the walls was dull and peeling, and the weeds were about knee-high.Kai stopped typing on his cell phone. He lifted his head, looking at Terry with an confused look. "What do you mean?"Kai furrowed his brow until his eyebrows came together. The smile on his lips, which looked wide, faded slowly.Terry scratched the nape of his neck, which was not itchy. He shifted his brown eyes in another direction, not staring at Kai, who was currently waiting for an answer from him."That..." The words on the tip of Terry's tongue seemed to be swallowed up. His brain felt empty. Inwardly, he cursed himself. Gosh, what did he just say?"Terry?" Kai called out in a low voice. "Why didn't you continue what you were sayi
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Chapter 013: Information
Chapter 013: Information Currently, Ben was at the centre of Walter Group. He and Steve were going to give Frank a report on his progress in persuading Terry to come home. Ben walked alone because Steve went to the bathroom first and bought a drink. His steps were so wide as if he were chasing time. "Ben,"Ben stopped his steps. He turned his head towards the source of the voice. His hands wiped the sweat from his temples. He was breathing hard with a flushed face. "Yes, what is it, Mr. Ethan?" He asked politely with a faint smile, ignoring his fatigue."Where's Terry?" Ethan asked straight to the point. "Why is he not with you?"Ben's smile faded, giving way to a look of regret. "I failed to get him."Ethan was surprised to hear that. But he didn't react much. His face looked flat, as did the line of his lips. His sharp gaze intensified on the floor at Ben's words."Sir?" Ben called out hesitantly. His heart beat so hard that cold sweat broke out from the pores of his sk
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Chapter 014: Daniel
Chapter 014: Daniel"Sir?"Terry looked back, followed by Miu, who seemed familiar with the voice. Terry saw an adult man walking towards him.The man was dressed in formal attire, with a white shirt covered by a dark blue suit, as well as wearing a matching colored tie, with a watch from a well-known brand coiled on his left hand. Don't forget the glasses perched on his nose. Terry could estimate that the man was over 60 years old.The man walked over and was now standing in front of both Terry and Miu."Miu, who authorized you to offer such a lowly job to my guest?" The man crossed his arms in front of his chest, with a sharp gaze fixed on the platinum-haired girl.Miu gulped. Her amber eyes rolled in the other direction, reluctant to meet his gaze. Her body trembled violently, as did her voice. "That..."The atmosphere that had been friendly and warm turned awkward and tense. The air felt cold and piercing, like being trapped in an ice cave.Terry, who was trapped between
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Chapter 015: The (Dangerous) Offer
Chapter 015: The (Dangerous) OfferKai got out of the Bentley with a few files in his hand. His lips curled upwards with a friendly aura. When someone greeted him, he would answer in a friendly manner. Kai hoped that he would find what he needed in this place.His feet stepped towards the towering building in front of him, the Van Derrick Corp. He had business with its leader due to orders from Daniel.While at the crossroads, Kai felt his cell phone vibrate, indicating an incoming call. Out of curiosity, Kai reached into his pocket to see who was calling him.On his cell phone screen, the name [kitten Miu] was written. Kai was naturally confused. Why would that person call him while he was on duty?Out of sheer curiosity, Kai scrolled his finger on his phone screen to pick up the call. "Hello?""Kai!"Kai pulled the phone he was holding away from his ear when he heard Miu's shrill voice. He rubbed his ears as he grumbled softly."Gosh, what's wrong with you?" Kai asked in
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Chapter 016: Report
Chapter 016: Report "Where's Terry?""What do you mean?"Kai turned his head towards the back. His eyes watched the heterochrome-eyed man up and down, scanning him carefully. His forehead was deeply furrowed with a noticeable lip line dropping. "No need to pretend you don't know, Kai." "But I really don't know what you're talking about, Ben.""I know that you brought Terry," Ben said again with his hands clenched on either side of his body.Kai shook his head with a rough sigh. "Ben, you don't seem to have changed.""What do you mean?""You always accuse me without proof. I mean, which Terry are you talking about? Do you know that I just got back from Germany?" Kai asked frantically.Ben was silent for a few moments. His fists seemed to loosen, and his demeanor softened slightly."I mean, Terry's the youngest of the Walter family," Ben spoke again in a slightly higher voice. "I know you brought that guy, right? So where is he now?""Ben, I don't know who you're looking f
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Chapter 17: Be careful
Chapter 17: Be careful"That person? Don't tell me if he's..."Frank put his index finger in front of Steve's lips, asking the man to stop talking. The tail of his eye glanced to the south, which led to a slightly open door. Steve followed the direction of the glance, then gave a small nod. He closed his mouth, swallowing back the words that were already on the tip of his tongue.Looking at Steve, who understood the code he gave, Frank lowered his index finger. A faint smile was etched on his lips. His hand stretched out to take a bottle of water that was available on the table.Now, Frank's attention was on the open door. He had to see who dared to interrupt his conversation."Irene?" he called in a firm voice. "Is that you?"The woman gasped in surprise. She came out of her hiding place. Her body that had been hiding behind the door was now visible. "Yes, sir. It's me.""What are you doing behind the door?" Frank asked in a confused tone. "Do you have anything to do with
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Chapter 18: New Member?
Chapter 18: New Member?Terry laid down on the bed. Earlier, after Daniel left, he was asked by Miu to wait in one of the rooms alone while waiting for Kai to come home. Terry closed his eyes using his arms, blocking the light from entering his retinas.His mind was now filled with many things. Starting from his wife, who left with Matthias, the state of his family, his brother's arrival, Daniel knowing his secret, and Kai not explaining anything to him. Everything was mixed together, making him feel dizzy. Terry almost fell asleep because he was too tired to think about everything. However, that didn't happen because he woke up to the sound of the door being opened from outside. The man opened his eyes again and turned to the door."Sorry, did I disturb your rest?" "Not at all," Terry got up from his position, looking the man up and down carefully.The man was wearing a black shirt and white coat with a stethoscope hanging from his neck. In his hand, he carried a medium-sized
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