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By: Rainylie Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 14 views: 62

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Charles Collins’ life almost came to an end when he was thrown into prison by Bob Klein. A wealthy playboy nicknamed the king of his college. Charles gets into a fight with Bob after he finds out the girl he likes betrayed him. Instead, he spends a hot night with Bob in a luxury villa on the night of a party organized by the man. When Charles is on the verge of death in a prison cell after experiencing cruel torture, a power rises from within him through a tattoo that Charles has gotten since childhood. Charles is even surprised to learn that his true identity is not an orphan but a young master who must inherit a business empire, a trillion-dollar fortune, and the sole heir of the most influential family with hidden superpowers.

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  • Rullysa Lysa


    good story

    2024-07-03 19:49:19
Latest Chapter
14 chapters
Chapter One
David entered the dormitory with his face red from holding back his anger. “Damn it! Why didn’t I get the invitation?” David clenched his hands at his sides. He rudely opened the door and went inside, flopping down on one of the couches. His roommate glanced at David in confusion and wondered. “How could I not get an invitation to the party? I even prepared for the party, even my mind was made up when I spent the night with the girls there. They’re all shitheads! I can’t believe they forgot me for such an important event.” David continued his tirade and could occasionally be heard swearing. His partner, who had been silently listening to David’s ramblings while looking at the man coldly, now snorted. “Are you out of your mind? It’s just a small matter, not everyone is going to the party anyway, so forget it.” “Forget the event?” David lunged at his partner’s suggestion, which made it harder for him to defuse his anger. David clucked and spoke again. “I even prepared in advance t
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Chapter Two
“Rachel! How dare you betray me!” Charles shouted angrily and stepped forward towards Bob and Rachel, who embraced intimately. Charles’ voice boomed in the room. His face looked reddish, and he looked at Bob and Rachel with a look of fury. Rachel and Bob immediately turned towards Charles, now standing only a few steps before them. “You want to die, huh?! How dare you interrupt my fun with that damn scream!” Bob voiced his displeasure at Charles’ sudden outburst in his home. He also looked confused at the man. However, Charles doesn’t care about Bob’s threats to him; he is angry at seeing Rachel making out with another man. Rachel was shocked and panicked at Charles’s presence. Hurriedly, she broke away from Bob’s embrace and moved slightly away from the man. “Charles? What are you doing here?” Rachel tried to cover up her panic by asking. Bob also realized that something was going on between Rachel and Charles. The man smiled dismissively at Charles. Charles doesn’t care about R
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Chapter Three
Charles slowly opened his eyes and regained consciousness after some time of unconsciousness. He tried to move his body, but pain immediately hit him all over his body. Charles complained but continued to try to get up; he also circulated his gaze and was confused about his surroundings, which was a prison cell. Charles grimaced, touching the back of his head due to the pain. He got up and stood up and slowly stepped towards the iron bars. Charles turned his head left and right, looking for someone to ask his confusion about his current situation. Still, there was no one until finally, a policeman came to him with a piece of paper covered with a board and a clamp. “Charles Collins! You are under arrest for brutally assaulting a man named Bob Klein. You will be charged for the report.” The policeman’s statement left Charles at a loss for words. He could only stare at the policeman with widened eyes, and a sense of anxiety came over him quickly. “But, sir, I’m innocent; it’s a false
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Chapter Four
A bucket of cold water was poured over the unconscious body of Charles, who was now sitting on a chair with his hands and feet bound and in a half-naked state. In a daze, Charles regained consciousness and immediately looked around him. Bob and the two policemen who were bribed stood before him. Bob’s pitiful state, with half of his head bandaged, looked at Charles with a look of fury. He had planned the worst revenge for Charles. “I will make you receive more pain than I get from you.” Bob glared at Charles, turned on the camera he had brought for his revenge plan, and pointed it at Charles, who bowed his head. “You will be charged with illegal entry into my villa, rape and intentional harm. Then, you will be imprisoned with the most violent criminals. Rachel and Mary will be witnesses in your trial.” Bob said that while recording Charles, who was just silent. He then approached Charles and saw a red fire symbol on his chest. Bob smiled mockingly at the tattoo. “You think this tat
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Chapter Five
Charles realized something was different about him after waking up from his weak and pathetic state a few moments ago. He examined his body with a feeling of surprise and astonishment to see that the wounds he had previously received from torture had healed entirely without leaving the slightest mark. Charles felt his face, which was sore and swollen from the scars, was now back to normal, and he felt no pain. “Where did this miracle come from? I didn’t even get any treatment.” Charles furrowed his brows as he thought about his confusion. Charles sat with his arms on his bent knees and looked down. His mind was still struggling with what had happened to him. A burly and tall man approached him. The man became the leader of other prisoners in this cell because of his size, which was more significant than that of other prisoners. “I didn’t expect that someone like you could survive so well in this place.” The man looked at Charles sharply and thought about making Charles his playthin
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Chapter Six
The old master exhaled loudly, and his face showed a sense of relief, seeing that Charles was fine and unharmed. The butler, who had just approached the old master, looked into the holding cell and found the shocking scene. The butler was also relieved that the young master was not in such a terrible state as he had expected. The butler then ordered a police officer to open Charles’ cell door. Charles was distracted by the opening of his cell door. He looked at the two strangers who had come with the police officer. “Stand up and leave this bad place, your place is not here you are free now.” The old master looked at Charles while putting both hands in the pockets of his material pants. “That’s right, Young Master. Your place is not here, and you don’t deserve to be in a place like this. We came here to pick you up.” The butler politely bowed his head after confirming the old master’s argument. Charles furrowed his brows in confusion at the attitude of the two strangers, especiall
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Chapter Seven
The old master and Charles sat in the old master’s elegant study. Charles scanned the room momentarily and was amazed and incredulous at his situation. Charles still couldn’t fully believe that his grandfather was the older man in front of him. The old master looked at Charles seriously before telling his grandson what he wanted to explain. However, Charles asked his question first because he couldn’t wait to discover what happened to him. “What really happened to me? All I know is, I’m just an orphan and have absolutely no idea who my real parents are other than my adoptive parents.” Charles looked at the old master seriously and demanded an explanation. His mind assumed that his parents were dead, and the thought scared him. Although earlier, he still hoped that his parents were still alive. However, knowing that only this older man claimed to be his family, Charles thought that only his grandfather was left. “Your parents died when the accident that happened to the three of you
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Chapter Eight
Charles arrived at a restaurant to meet his grandfather. A concierge escorted Charles to a private room with a red velvet curtain separating it from other VIP rooms. The concierge pulled back the curtain, and Charles walked in; his grandfather was eating and seemed to enjoy his dinner.The butler who saw Charles’ arrival smiled with a polite gesture. His grandfather momentarily turned his attention to Charles.“Sit down. Would you like some dinner? Just order what you want.” The older man told Charles to sit in the chair opposite him.Charles obeyed his grandfather to sit down but did not order food; he just waited for his grandfather to finish sipping his wine. Then, the older man introduced Charles to the butler.“If you need help or anything, you can count on this man.” Charles’ grandfather pointed at the butler standing beside him with his fork.Charles’ gaze turned to the man who was the butler of the Flamel family. The butler handed Charles the cell phone that Charles had left a
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Chapter Nine
Aunt Erin sat on the sofa as she closed her eyes and wiped her face, where there were still traces of tears in her eyes. Then, she contacted Charles about the problems happening to her brother, Charles’ adoptive father.“You really contacted that kid? He won’t be able to do anything to free his father.” Aunt Erin’s husband had just come out of one of the rooms and closed the door.“Charles deserves to know, at least he might be able to do something.” Aunt Erin put her cell phone on the small table beside the sofa.Hearing his wife say that, Aunt Erin’s husband smiled mockingly. The man thought that Charles couldn’t do anything to save his father. His wife’s brother’s family was in disarray and always troubled them because Charles’ father was involved in gambling and owed a lot of money.“There’s nothing the boy can do. Charles is just a student. Better not bother with their family anymore, we’ll keep getting into trouble because of your brother’s messy family.” Aunt Erin’s husband wal
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Chapter Ten
Aunt Erin was shocked, had wide eyes, and was afraid. Her husband swallowed dry saliva forcefully because of the fear surrounding them as if they were flies in a trash can. The thugs stepped in, consisting of several raggedy-looking men and one who was their boss smoking a cigarette. “What’s going on? Don’t just barge into someone’s house! Get out of here! Or I’ll call the police!” Aunt Erin’s husband tried to shoo the thugs away with his threats, which had no effect whatsoever. Still, the thugs ignored him and immediately started making a mess in their house. They began violently ransacking the house, taking everything out of its place they could find. The thugs did not spare desk drawers, cupboards, or even the kitchen and rooms. “Stop! You’re going too far! Don’t ruin my house!” Aunt Erin began to panic, mixed with anger and sadness, as her house was ruthlessly ransacked. She hugged her terrified youngest son tightly. The sound of things breaking could be heard as items began t
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