All Chapters of The Incredible Dr. Frederic Bosman : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
10 chapters
Chapter 1: A Secret To Tell
The alarm on Freddy’s phone kept ringing as Freddy tossed and turned on his uncomfortable bed. He struggles to wake as he had a very tough day yesterday. He then sits up from the bed to reach for his phone. “4:30?” He muttered. “Damn! I overslept.” Freddy added as he jumped off the bed to head for the bathroom. Freddy hurriedly got dressed. He opened his fridge only to realize that he was out of food supplies. “oh!''He sighed and headed for the door, just to realize his shoes were worn out, but he didn't have another pair. Freddy took the subway and finally got to the hospital by 6:00am. As he walked in one of his colleagues walked towards him. “Freddy you are late.” He said with a stern look on his face. “Dr Han has a special announcement for us, hurry.” He said, as they both rushed to Dr Han's office. Freddy was a bit nervous. “could it be the promotion?” Freddy thought to himself. They both got to the office and knocked on the door. As they both walked in, Dr Han looked a
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Chapter 2: The Catch
Freddy stares at his grandfather speechless when his brother's voice interrupts him. “Freddy I’m back, I bought some sandwiches. Is that ok?” Ted asked. “I will teach you all you need to know when Ted goes to school.” His grandfather quickly added before Freddy left for the living room.While in the living room Freddy was puzzled and Ted noticed but thought it was because of their grandfather’s current state. “Honestly I am scared too.” Ted added. Freddy realizing his emotions were evident on his face, changed his facial expression. “Don't be Ted, now that I am here I will do my best to get him better.” Freddy added to lighten Ted's spirit.“I should go to school. I haven't been able to go for a while now because of grandpa.” Ted said as he finished his last piece of sandwich waiting for Fred's approval. “Yeah you should.” Freddy replied. Ted took his bag and left. After breakfast Freddy went back to Mr. Louis' room to see how he is doing. He thought for a while that his grand
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Chapter 3: Catalyst 
Ted walks in with two glasses of water. “Drink then talk slowly. What exactly do you want from my grandfather?” Freddy asked the two girls. “I heard he is the only one who can heal our grandfather,”one of the girls said. “But how, our grandfather is sick?” Ted interrupted.“Ted, can you excuse us for a bit?” Freddy asked suddenly. Ted was surprised and wanted to question but decided to obey. “Ladies, my brother wasn't lying when he said my grandpa is sick. Why don't you take your grandfather to the hospital?” Freddy asked. The two girls stared at each other before one of them gathered the courage. “Actually we have, he even has a doctor currently taking care of him at the moment but nothing has changed. I once heard about your grandfather from mine. He had told me that he is an expert at healing and some form of catalyst.” She said as Freddy took a deep breath in and was a bit confused about what to tell the girls. “Give me a minute, ladies.” He said as he went to check with Mr
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Chapter 4: Sometimes Gold don't Glitter 
Freddy stared at an unconscious Mr. Delbrose and was a bit frightened. He wondered and pondered on if the powers would work. “Can I have some time alone with him please?” He asked a bit tensed knowing fully well that the three were observing him carefully, unsure of his abilities as a doctor. As sweat began to pour from his head little by little. “Why should we wait outside?” Dr. Dris asked, looking at both Sophia and Naomi trying to prove that Freddy was incompetent.“Let's just do as he said, since he's asking politely.” Naomi said, trying to let Freddy work. “Dr. Freddy, we really hope and trust that you can help heal my grandpa just like your grandpa could. Let's all leave.” Sophia said with a firm tone. They all left but Dr. Dris left reluctantly. “You are making a big mistake.” He says silently before leaving.Freddy stares at Mr Delbrose and tries one of the techniques which his grandfather taught him. He took the palm of Mr Delbrose and tried to connect with his body and
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Chapter 5: The Betrothal
Freddy glanced and couldn't believe what he was seeing. He had received a black card from Mr. Delbrose. “A black card! This isn't just any card, I mean it can get me access to whatever I need at a particular time. It can also grant me the access to where the top cream de la creme of the society hangs out.” Freddy thought to himself after seeing the card. He knew he had to go thank Mr. Delbrose, which he did immediately before leaving the mansion to head to his grandfather’s house.Freddy set out to access the money the two girls had paid him for his services as he scouted for the nearest bank.Getting there the security man stopped him at the entrance, accessing Freddy's appearance. The bank being one of the three most influential banks in the city had its type of selected guest. “Young man, how can I help you?” He asked Freddy who didn't notice the man's disgust. “Oh good day, my name is Freddy…” while Freddy was still talking the man interrupted him and said “Look boy, did you
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Chapter 6: Outsider
Freddy paced back and forth the room. Mr Louis watched closely as his facial expression changed. “Freddy calm down let me explain it to you.” He said with a calm voice. Freddy grab the nearest chair and sat down but was still tensed while he waited for his grandfather to speak. His feet kept tapping the floor.“Actually, you've been betrothed for a while back now. Her name is…” “I don't really care about her name, I just want to know how and when this happened?” Freddy added.“Ok then, let me explain it to you. You know I and George grew up in the same place before his father established a big company and they relocated to the city.” He replied but paused. “His parents didn't like me much because we were poor. Before George left he made a promise to find me again.” He said and chuckled.Freddy stared at his grandfather still unsatisfied with his narration.“And he did. We met at a conference almost six years ago. He told me at that time how sick he was, he also said his family had
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Chapter 7: Who Are You?
Natalie's laughter filled the room while the rest of the family had various expressions on but none of which was excitement. “Why are you here? Who the hell are you?” Natalie asked as she stood up from her seat. Freddy was a bit puzzled to speak, he then gathered himself again. “I…I…..I'm,” he let out quietly. Harry stared at Freddy with a puzzled face before cutting him short “Natalie, do you know this young man?” He asked in a calm voice.“Not at all dad, Gabriel is this a joke? You can't just bring some random hooligan and claim him to be betrothed to me.” Natalie said, still laughing.“I mean clearly this man's not from our class. Besides as Natalie's father, how come I've never heard of him?” Harry asked Gabriel. “That's a good question Mr. Harry. This was a choice made by Mr. George himself. He also asked me not to disclose this to anyone unless something happens to him.” Gabriel responded. As Elizabeth and Natalie's younger sister, Paulina both stared at Gabriel with disb
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Chapter 8: Reconsider or Conspire
While Tony was about to say something to Paulina. Freddy walked in. He greeted them both but none reply. “That's him Tony.”Paulina said, pointing at him. Tony stared at Freddy from head to toe, wondering how Mr. George would choose Freddy over him. Freddy proceed towards the door ignoring them when Tony shouted “Stop right there bull dog.” “Can't you hear. I'm talking to you gold digger.” Tony added. “Make yourself useful and go get him a glass of water.” Paulina added with a smirk. Freddy turned towards them staring. “What are you looking at? Didn't you hear what she said? Go get me some water, I'm thirsty.” Tony repeated.Freddy went to get the water. He brought and dropped it on the table before saying. “Next time go get it yourself.”As Freddy turned to leave, Tony spilled the water he got him on purpose. “Oops. Hey Freddy or Breddy man, please do me a favor and clean this up.” Tony said as he placed his feet on top of the table. Freddy was disgusted by his behavior and wo
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Chapter 9: Believe vs Trust
Freddy tipped toed out without Paulina and Tony noticing him. Freddy then went back to his room to rethink. “Clearly Paulina and Tony are having an affair but she's Natalie's sister and his….his..” He paused as he heard a knock on the door. “Who is it?” Freddy asked, wondering who it could be because no one usually looked for him, except when they wanted him to do one work or the other.He got up and opened the door to see Harry, Natalie's father. “Can I come in?” He asked in a subtle voice as he examined the room. “Yeah sure, is there anything I can do for you?” Freddy asked, still surprised by the sudden visit. “Why are you here?” Harry asked suddenly. “Actually I was told by my grandpa that I am betrothed to…”“No not that, I mean why are you by the dog house?” He asked. “Oh that, Natalie instructed I should be moved here.” Freddy replied.“I see. Well why do you actually insist on staying here when you clearly see you are not wanted here?” Harry asked gently. Freddy, think
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Chapter 10: To Do A Good Deed
“How dare you, you try rape my sister.” Natalie screamed. “I didn't do anything like that Natalie, let me explain..” Before Freddy could say anything else, Natalie had Freddy thrown out of the Hardcastles mansion without thinking twice.Paulina and Tony smirked as they had succeeded with their plans.Freddy returns to his little apartment on the low part of the city. As he enters the apartment he sighed. Thinking about how stressful the past week had been. “Maybe it's for the best.” He muttered out. Freddy then started to think about himself. “Now that I've quit my job. I have to start my own pratice. I can't do that here…” He thought to himself looking at his small apartment.He then picked up his phone and called Mago, the bank manager. “Hi Mago. Sorry I am calling so soon. I need to purchase a building.” He said. “Mr Freddy. Please remember you can call me anytime. I am your account manager afterall. What kind of building do you want sir?” she asked.“I am looking for someth
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