All Chapters of System Extermination Of Monster : Chapter 11 - Chapter 17
17 chapters
11. Eating Monsters
A large figure with wings, skin like steel and horse legs. The strange figure was Agah who had turned into a complete monster.Agah's blue aura increasingly surrounded the man's body. The blue aura surrounded Agah's horse's legs.*System Error!*System Error!*System Error!Whoosh!Agah flew, his head moved around looking for the figure of the Monkey Boss, but before attacking the Boss, Agah first killed the small monkeys who were near his house.Sania, who saw a strange figure on the roof of the house, became frightened. Sania's body has been filled with poisonous arrows from monkeys making her completely paralyzed while the amount of Man'a in her body is only 20% left and if Sania runs out of Man'a then the system will destroy her.While Wisese was helpless, his head, hands and feet were separated by the monkeys with swords in their hands, after being hit by many poison arrows his Mana cycle became grounded.Now their only hope is Agah. But where did the man go? Why did a strange an
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12. Pig Boss
"If you are Montser, that means you can protect us if the military doesn't come." Wisese said."Fortress," continued Sania. They both looked at Agah who was silent.That's good, but when Agah turns into another figure then it's no longer him. It's possible that Agah could eat humans, especially since Agah wanted to eat Gina.Agah rubbed his head roughly, "I can't, it's too dangerous. I can't control myself and can't differentiate between enemy and enemy,""You eat monsters, isn't that good for us,""I almost ate Gina! What if I ate another human?" Agah looked at Sania sadly, Agah felt humiliated at himself but they both wanted to make him a fortress?"Can't you control the figure inside you?" Wisese asked."I told you I couldn't," answered Agah, a little hopelessly."Earlier you turned back into a human when you were about to eat Gina,""It's because of the heat inside me,"They were silent for a long time. Making Agah a defensive fortress is indeed extraordinary, but if the fort turn
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13. Trapped
"You said they were still far away?!" Sania shouted from the roof of the house.Agah looked at where the sound came from. After that, Agah looked at Gina who was still standing in front of the door. But it's impossible for Agah to just let Gina go alone?Whoosh!Agah flew back, looking at every gap between the houses. It turned out that Agah was wrong, the pig-shaped trolls had scattered until they reached near his house.When he came back down, he saw Wisese nearby."Bring the people in, and.... For you, Gina,""Yes!" Gina exclaimed, the girl approached Agah.Agah took a deep breath, like it or not, Agah had to involve Gina in this, even though the bet was the girl's life. "Can you guard around the house?" he asked.Gina nodded enthusiastically, "Sure!""Okay," Agah looked up at Sania who was still on the roof, in the woman's hand there was already a light arrow along with her bow."I'll block the ones that are close," said Wisese. Agah and Wisese looked at each other, "I'll leave th
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14. Changed
Shrek! Shrek!Bruk! Bruk!The trolls who lost suddenly rolled over the roof of the house and fell to the ground. Even though many have lost, many are still coming, the trolls' only weakness is that meteors must be deactivated immediately.Agah felt a tightness in his chest, the blue aura that had become a shield seemed to have dimmed and made the defense loose. Unfortunately, he saw a troll flying towards him carrying an axe.Groook!"Shit!" Before he could dodge, the aura on his body suddenly disappeared and the troll was ready to release the ax in his hand. The ax was thrown by the troll and flew through Agah's blue aura and hit the man's hand."Aaaaah!"Bruk!Agah shouted, he fell onto the roof of the house and rolled until he finally fell helpless on the ground. Agah tried to release his aura again, but the aura never showed up.Agah was in even more pain because the ax in his hand contained poison."Shi_Shit!" He cursed. With his remaining strength, Agah grabbed the handle of the
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15. Trolls taste bad
"Food ...."Now Agah has changed back into another figure, but Agah can still be recognized because his skin and feet have not changed into scales and horse feet.The wings behind Agah's body slowly moved. The man's blue eyes lit up with long eyelashes of a very beautiful blue color.Sania stared transfixed at Agah's body, which was taller and bigger than the trolls.Bruk!Sania fell with her gaze still looking at Agah, her eyes moved because she was afraid, Sania remembered that Agah had said that when the man became another 'figure' then his consciousness was taken over.Sania raised her sword."Food ....!" The deep and hoarse voice made Sania's body tremble even more, her hand gripped the sword hilt tightly."Eat_"Shrek! Crat!An ax hit Agah's wing which suddenly opened, as if he had known that the trolls would attack him. Agah's gaze turned sharp looking at the trolls, Agah's teeth became long and sharp. Agah's hairy hands clenched into fists, and suddenly a blue aura surrounded
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16. Who are they?
"What... What the hell?!" Agah shouted. As far as the eye could see, there was only darkness and the small light of the stars. Agah's body floated, bare-chested Agah felt the cold air around him."You are one of us." someone repeated."Why are you repeating the same words?!""Then what should I say?!"Agah looked for the source of the very soft voice, the bickering of two soft voices made Agah confused while there was only him there. Agah continued to spin, looking around at the dark surroundings.No! There's nothing there but him?!Are you starting to hallucinate?!A white, strong and long hand reached out to touch Agah's shoulder."Huh! Who is that?!" Surprised, Agah turned around and found an elbow-length hand, "Huh? Am I really crazy?" Agah's body trembled, cold sweat came out of his body, "Why didn't I faint?""Hey! Why are you just showing your hands?!" Angry someone. The hand in front of Agah disappeared again."I just want to make him aware,""But you scared him, damn it!"Aga
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17. Military Troops
Agah's body shook violently and quickly and the sound of sobbing was painful. Agah slowly opened his eyes, suddenly Agah's head hurt and a shrill sound filled his ears."Brother Agah! Brother!" Shouted a girl who of course Agah knew, that girl was Adora."Am I back?" Agah said to himself. Agah looked at Adora who was crying beside him, her little face looked very sad."Brother!" Adora screamed and rushed into Agah's arms.Hearing Adora's screams, of course Wisese and Sania who were waiting outside the room rushed into the room, looking at Agah's languid body in Adora's arms."Finally you woke up," said Sania.Agah frowned, "How long have I been unconscious?" Agah asked curiously."Three, three days you were unconscious," answered Sania.Agah widened his eyes in surprise, "What! Are you serious?!""Yes! Brother slept for three days! But fortunately there was no attack from the creatures and the military has come," said Adora.Agah was surprised again, since when did the military arrive
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