All Chapters of Legend Of The War God: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
10 chapters
The Return
"Welcome Home!"Voices echoed throughout the airport, armed men stood in rows beside a helicopter that had just arrived.The airport had been cleared, and only the voices of these armed men could be heard as they looked at the Young man who had just alighted from the plane with respect."God of war!"The men echoed once again, their voices filled with respect and they fell to their knees.That was the God of war of Erudia. The Youngest God of war in history.His power was said to be unmatched and unparalleled. Once, he'd inflict a crushing defeat on the strongest battalions of twenty countries, he was an overbearing and formidable man.It was said that he created the five great War Regiments, each Regiment consisting of more than five hundred men.The strength of these regiments was strong enough to strike fear in the hearts of their enemies and they had never been defeated.Once they head out, they would always crush their enemies, earning them the title, Death Walker. As a result, n
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Garrison Family
"Yes that's me, aren't you all happy to see me." A smile appeared on Jordan's face as he looked at the shocked expression on the family's face."Brother!" A yell came as a figure ran towards Jordan hugging him tightly."Amelia, how have you been?” Jordan chuckled, lightly patting the figure's head.She was the second and last child of the Garrison family and also the only one who treated Jordan well. As a result, they were very close.She was never in support of what her parents did to Jordan, but there was nothing she could do about it."Jordan, what are you doing here?" The head of the Garrison's family, Claude, stood up looking at Jordan."Aren't I allowed to come back?" Jordan asked with a smile."You're a disgrace to the Garrison family, we've already expelled you and You've lost your footing here in North Hampton.” Sneered Claude."You low life, do you even know what shame the Garrison family had to endure because of what you did!” Claude continued."And now you dared to come ba
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I'll Explain To The Guest
"Jordan....." Zoey froze as she stuttered, turning around to look at the figure that just called her name.Turning around, she came face to face with Jordan, who was standing not too far away from her, a smile on his face as he stared at her."Zoey....""Jordan, I'm no longer your wife, I'm about to get married, so you should leave!" Zoey's voice suddenly turned cold, cutting Jordan off."But....""There's no but, after what you did five years ago, there's no way I'll accept someone like you." Zoey continued coldly, forcing back the tears threatening to drop from her eyes."You should know better than anyone back then that I was innocent, I wouldn't do such a thing." Jordan sighed, looking at Zoey, whose eyes were red."I...." Zoey stuttered, wanting to say something, but the tears in her eyes threatened to overflood her face.She knew well that Jordan was innocent and was just a victim of a devious plot from her family and in-laws, but there was nothing she could do about it."Jordan
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I'm Giving You Three Days
"Huh!" A gasp spread amongst the crowd as Jordan and Zoey walked into the hall with Jordan holding Zoey's hands. "Who's holding the bride's hands?" "I don't know him, I've never seen him before!" "He looked wretched; how could the Clarkson Family allow someone like him into the banquet!" Voices came from all around as the guests looked at Jordan and Zoey walking up to the altar. "Sorry, everyone, but this wedding has been canceled; my wife won't be marrying some rich punk!" Jordan suddenly stopped, turned around, and announced, facing the crowd. Everyone froze hearing what Jordan said as they couldn't believe their ears. Did that man just call Zoey his wife? Was he insane? Wasn't he afraid of what the Young Master of the Winston Family was going to do? "Jordan, what do you think you're doing!" Grandmother panted as she rushed into the place. "As I've said, everyone should please take their leave after taking the food and drinks provided; the wedding has been canceled." Jorda
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Big Talks
The banquet hall was silent, leaving only the members of the Clarkson family all staring at each other in awe, not knowing what to say.Initially, today was supposed to be a happy day for them. Zoey was getting married to Larry, and then, with Larry's help, they would be able to partner with Winston's family.From there, they would be able to move up the ranks and advance to a third-tier family, but Jordan suddenly came back and destroyed everything.Now they were at the risk of losing everything in three days if they didn't get Zoey to divorce Jordan."Zoey, what the heck were you thinking, listening to him, do you know the consequences of what you've done?" Mark bellowed, breaking the silence."Yes, what were you even thinking, you'd better hurry up and divorce that criminal." The others started to voice out, glaring at Zoey who was holding Jordan's arms."Aren't you even ashamed of staying with someone who tried to sleep with your husband, talk more or less about calling that perso
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I'm Not Joking
"Jordan, what do you think you're saying?" Mark was the first to recover, and immediately, he burst out into a fist of laughter. The others also burst out laughing looking at Jordan, disdain written all over their faces. "If it were not for your dishonest acts, do you think we would all be here?" Mark sneered as he stopped laughing. "Besides, if it was you in the past who said this, then I would have believed it without a doubt." "Who the hell do you think you are right now?" He continued with a sneer. "You're just a criminal, so you'd better shut the heck up and not interfere in what you're not supposed to." "I...." Jordan wanted to say something, but he felt a soft tug from Zoey and thus didn't say anything again. "Fine, I'll get the contract in three days." Zoey agreed. "I have your divorce papers ready, get ready to sign them in three days." Mark sneered. He firmly believed that there was no way Zoey was going to be able to get the contract, so he was not even thinking ab
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(The Next Day) "Are you sure I'll be able to get the contract?" Zoey looked at Jordan skeptically. "You don't have to worry, dear wifey. I called the owner of Skyline Technologies last night, and he promised to take a look into your proposal and that if it's good, he'll give you a contract." Jordan smiled, reassuring his wife. "Okay." Zoey nodded, still not feeling comfortable. "Or do you want a good luck kiss?" Jordan chuckled, moving closer to her. "No, don't touch me." Zoey giggled and ran out of the house. "By the way, I'll be going out to look for a job." Jordan smiled as he said, looking at Zoey, who was preparing to go. "How about you take some rest first? You just came back, and I don't think any company would be willing to employ you." Zoey said, worry written all over her face. "You don't have to worry about matters like that, it's insignificant." Jordan smiled. "Besides, it'll be enough if I could just land the role of a security guard, so it shouldn't be too hard.
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You're Not Qualified To Sign It
"What are you both doing here?" Mark jeered, seeing Jordan and Zoey walk into the Villa. "Did you give up so soon and want a divorce?" He continued in a mocking voice. "That would be a good thing anyway, so just come and sign the papers I have already prepared it." He then proceeded to pull out some papers like he had known that Zoey was going to come. "Sign here Zoey." Mark continued, his voice sounding rather enthusiastic as if he had just won a bet. "Hurry up and sign it so that you will be able to get yourself free of this filth." "Let me tell you, I've already asked around, there's no way any company would be willing to accept someone like him, he's nothing more than a rapist." Zoey just glanced at Mark and didn't say anything. She was more afraid that Jordan wouldn't be able to stand it. Glancing at Jordan, she saw that his expression was calm, and he didn't seem to have noticed Mark, who was spewing nonsense. This made her sigh in relief. After getting to the company th
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Get Her To Sign It
"Mother, this calls for a Celebration." Mark grinned as he couldn't believe his eyes while going through the papers. Mabel nodded in agreement, she too was not expecting Zoey to be able to secure a contract and was surprised. "I bet it must be some kind of dumb luck." Mark grinned and stood up. He was ready to go and show off the contract. Now, the Clarkson family was going to become invincible; they were directly affiliated with a first-tier company, and this was a huge boost. As long as they maintained the contract, even a first-tier family wouldn't be willing to offend them; after all, Skyline Technologies was one of the most powerful companies in the whole of North Hampton. "Excuse me, may I come in." A deep male voice came just as Mark was about to leave. "Yes come in," Mark yelled, not caring about who might be at the door. He was very happy and thus wouldn't give a damn at the moment. The next moment, a tall lanky figure walked into the sitting room holding a briefcase w
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They'll Come
"That bitch!" Mark cursed immediately as Benson walked out of the house. "I should have known that something was wrong, there's no way she would have the guts to go to the company if she was not in a relationship with that man." He continued. Mabel nodded and didn't say anything. She, too, also felt this way. But what happened had already happened, and there was no way around it; all they could do was to make sure that Zoey came back to sign the contract. She couldn't think of going back to call the other party and was extremely disgusted with the thought, but there was nothing she was going to be able to do about it. They couldn't afford to pay the price for breaching the contract and thus could only do what the other party wanted. "Hurry up and call Zoey," Mabel commanded. They were going to have no other choice now that Benson had said that she had to be the one who was going to sign the contract. Mark nodded and brought out his phone to call Zoey. Dialing her number, it ran
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