All Chapters of The Unrivaled Dragon Lord: Chapter 11 - Chapter 18
18 chapters
Chapter 11
“Be here in the next 5 minutes to pick me else!” Green said authoritatively over the phone.“Okay I’ll be there as fast as i-.”He didn’t wait for Mr Jonathan to conclude what he was saying before he ended the call. The weather as of that evening was cloudy with thunderstorms. A sign that it would soon be raining. Green just hoped that Mr Jonathan would be there on time else he was going to turn down their offer of accepting to be the dragon lord. Soon enough, after like 2-3 minutes of waiting, a black rolls-Royce phantom stopped in front of Green. The passenger door opened and coming down from the car was a middle-aged man dressed in an expensive Italian suite. “It’s good to see you again, Lord Green!” He bowed after approaching Green.“I don’t want to stay here any longer, let’s better be going before my anger grows the more!” The anger was evident in greens voice but he chose not to raise it any further to attract neighbours coming outside.“Okay, Master!”Mr Jonathan hurriedly o
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Chapter 12
As Green moved deeper into the secret library his curiosity grew more and more. He wanted to know what secret lie inside the library that it wasn't been built outside the too.Not until a knock could be beard from the door of his dad’s room- His new room.He halted, “ Who's there?” He asked, not making any more move into the library.“Master, Captain jake is here. He said he wants to see you,” Ome of the security guards responded.“Okay, tell him i’d join him soon.” Green responded.“Alright, master.” The guard answered as he made his way back to his normal position. “I guess i’d have to know what's in here another time,” Grren sighed as he made his way outside the secret library.Even though he didn’t have idea about why the library was built inside his late dad’s room, one thing was certain- the documents or book stored in there would tell him more about his dad’s kingdom in The heart of Galaxy nation, How’s it’s been operated and also things about the suspects that killed his da
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Chapter 13
Green and Captain Jake were on their way to Greenwich restaurant , a restaurant in Galaxy nation which sells the best dishes from each country. Be it China, Taiwan, or any other country from the American continents or Europe. Captain Jake brought the idea of eating outside to calm Green’s anger down. Green couldn’t say no, he himself was hungry at that point. Hehe!While watching captain jake turn the steering to another direction like a pro, Green questioned, “ What does the Galaxy kingdom look like? And how does it operate?” “Well,” Captain Jake sighed. “ Galaxy kingdom is a very big kingdom, Managed by a supreme, who we also address as our King because he’s the almighty. Then we have some selected heads of families which act as the chiefs, and warlords. Under them too are certain posts assigned to the lower class families.”“Okay,” Green understood all that he said. Even though they weren't very detailed. He’d get to know more about the kingdom soon, so that he'd know what he'
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Chapter 14
All the men shot themselves and drop dead Infront of Green, before he could get answers to his questions.Captain make slowly brought raised his head up, and can through his surroundings before facing Green and the rest of others.“Well, seems they swore and oat not to leek their master’s name.” Green said.He used his legs to and turn each bodies to the side to confirm if they were completely dead. Once he’d done that, he went to their leaders body which he hit.He was spitting out blood continuously while his once cold gaze was fixed at Green’s direction. Green just sneered while looking at him.“So would you rather choose to die like the rest of your men, or you’d tell us the man behind this attack,” Green said sternly while holding the man at the back of his head.“I wouldn’t even tell you. I’m patiently waiting for my death as I’ve seen how my life would look like even after I’m treated,” He responded.Well, Green dealt with him untill he was paralysed on the ground. That’s why
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Chapter 15
“Jennifer what is it?” Green said coldly on the phone. His intention was never to pick it at all, if not for captain jake forcing him, so that he could hear what she was about saying. “Uhm, Green I need you to…”“You need me to do what? Haven’t you done enough?” His voice became colder.“That’s not green. What I’m about to tell you is different.”“And what is it all about?”Jennifer paused for a while in the line before saying.“My cousin's brother-in-law is getting married and I want you to be there.”That means one of Jennifer's cousins was getting married. “Why do you want me to be there? Why can’t you go with that boyfriend of yours?” “I know, he’s supposed to be there, but I’m not the one who invited you. It was my Grand dad!”And that was how Green’s coldness was being warmed up by only the Grand dad name being called. He knew the grand dad ever since he was at Jennifer’s house.Apart from their great grandfather who took care of him before he died. Their grand dad was also
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Chapter 16
“Call the security!”“Yes ma’am!” The cashier quickly picked up the telephone and dialled the security’s number.“They're on their way.” she responded after calling them.Green was growing more furious at the moment. They haven't tried the card and they dare call it fake? Are they looking for death? If only they knew how much was on that card. They’d have to use a clothing or glove to hold it and not their bare hands so they wouldn’t stain it.That card was given to him by Mr Jonathan. He didn’t collect it from captain jake as at that time they first met each other so when captain jake came visiting, he gave it to Mr Jonathan to give it to Green. Captain Jake couldn’t present the card to Green himself, as they was still contemplating on his return, which made Green angry.The card was worth more than a billion dollars so even the 200 thousand dollar debit wouldn’t even look like a debit when the notification is being sent to his phone.According to Mr Jonathan, a debit less than a
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Chapter 17
“You’re wasting my time Mr man. Thank your Gods I didn’t bring a better weapon to deal with you, else you would have been cooked already,” The bald man said.When he saw the green wasn’t trying to obey and cooperate with him, he moved foward to strike but was held back from the voice of someone that just entered the boutique.“Don’t even try to touch him, except you’re looking for death.”The voice happened to be Captain jake’s. Immediatley he was told by green not to waste any time, he rushed as fast as he could, then as he reached the door he dressed himself properly before entering.“And who are you to tell me to stop?” The bald man was furious at this point. Captain Jake wasn’t even as tall as he was and looked somehow powerless to him. So what gave him the right to stop him from beating the hell out of green?“He didn't do anything wrong, so he doesn't deserve to be whipped.” Captain jake answered.“Oh really?” the sales woman said, her eye brows raised.“How can you explain th
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Chapter 18
Burst!The door stormed opened, with servers other security men coming in the boutique. The boutique was large so it could contain allot of people on the open space.The security men who came in had same uniform with those brought by Mr clerk. Then and angry old man in his late 60’s came in, barking!“Who the hell troubles captain jake?” He roared.Mr clerk on the other hand couldn’t fathom what was going on. He had many thoughts in his mind. Could it be that it was captain jake who called Mr Augustus over? Or is he just overthinking? He thought to himself.No! It’s just me overthinking. I’m very sure that maybe Mr Augustus must have also noticed that the card too has been detected and chose to come. But who’s the Captain jake he’s talking about Becuse he have never came across someone with that name. Even among Mr Augustus Vvip friends. Mr Augustus wasn’t even a being who’s always avilable. He rarely shows up in the office and anytime he does, it’s Becuse of some important meeti
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