All Chapters of (Not) a Preferred Son-in-Law : Chapter 31 - Chapter 36
36 chapters
31. Veronica's Last Hope
Andre and one of his men lifted the sack containing Leon's body and threw it into the sea. The incident was seen by Veronica who was in the car, causing Veronica to panic and become scared. She screamed and struggled.However, Veronica's screams were in vain because her voice was swallowed by the duct tape covering her mouth. Veronica's struggles were also in vain, because the ties on her hands and feet were so strong that they would not come off with just a little tug from Veronica.Not to mention Veronica's leg that felt sore from her movements. Every time she moved, her injured leg would hurt. Maybe it happened because she had not taken her painkillers several times. Understandably, Andre's men took Veronica by force without bringing the woman's medicine. The medicine that she should have taken routinely at least once or twice a day, to reduce and relieve the pain in her injured leg. The sack containing Leon's body slowly disappeared from the surface of the water. Veronica cried i
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32. Coming Home
Veronica blinked several times. It felt like a dream, she could be in that place. That's when she realized that the ties on her hands and feet had been removed. When and who did it, Veronica didn't know. Maybe when she was sleeping. Veronica pinched her cheek, to make sure that she really wasn't dreaming. It turned out that it really hurt. And she really believed that the incident was real, not just in her dream. When she pinched her cheek, she realized that her mouth was still taped. "Ouch!"Veronica winced in pain as she removed the tape from her mouth. Although she did it slowly, the tape was so sticky on her skin that it would definitely sting and hurt.Veronica's eyes sparkled, she felt relieved now that she was free from the tape and rope that had been binding her lately. Especially when she realized where they were now. Really, she didn't expect the car she was riding in to stop right in front of her house gate. Of course she was surprised."How could this happen? They said t
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33. Saved
Meanwhile, at the scene Leon was dumped by Andre. After making sure Andre and his men left the beach, Anto--a fisherman--who saw the sack dumping incident also left his hiding place. Anto was very curious because he witnessed everything from the beginning. From the arrival of the two cars, Anto had noticed. Then when Andre rented a speedboat, Anto also knew. Anto also witnessed when Andre's men carried a sack and then dumped it in the middle of the sea. Even secretly, Anto who was hiding behind his boat, also had time to take a long-distance video of the incident.Anto felt curious, what was actually in the sack that was thrown away earlier. He saw Andre and his men who were both wearing masks and hats had time to capture the moment of throwing away the sack. As if they were capturing something valuable, like a memory. Making Anto's curiosity rise. "If it was just an ordinary sack, why did they have to capture the moment they threw it away?" Anto muttered, starting to be filled wit
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34. Poor Veronica
Meanwhile at Veronica's residenceAfter Andre and the driver left, Veronica was pushed inside by Aunt Yati--her housemaid."Shall we go straight to Miss's room?" asked Aunt Yati slowly and carefully."Yes. Oh yeah, where's Mama?"Veronica turned and fixed her gaze on Yati who was pushing her wheelchair."Madam just came home from the social gathering an hour ago, Miss. She's probably resting now."Veronica snorted harshly. "Take me to Mama's room!" Veronica ordered. She really felt annoyed with her mother. She had just been kidnapped and her mother was enjoying herself at the social gathering and sleeping in her room. As if nothing had happened to her daughter. Was that the attitude of a mother who loved her child? Could Yati refuse if her employer told her to? Of course she would do what she was told. And she slowly pushed the wheelchair towards Ariana's room. After arriving in front of the room, Yati knocked on the door. However, there was no answer from inside. "See, Miss. Madam
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35. Obituary
"Don't stop me! I want to celebrate my victory. Ha-ha-ha ... Charlie, wait for your destruction!" Andre fell down after saying that. Making his subordinates who were still 'sane' click their tongues and then helped Andre to stand up. Then he carried him to a room that Andre usually occupied when they gathered at the headquarters like that. "Veronica ... I want to make love to you. I should have tasted you first before letting you go. Oh, damn! I want to make love ....!" Andre had time to ramble as his subordinates laid his unconscious body on the bed."Tsk! The Boss has time to ramble!" Andre's henchman grumbled. Andre's henchman was about to leave the place, but suddenly Andre pulled his hand. "Honey, come make love to me! Don't worry, I'm a mighty man!" Andre coaxed, he was already influenced by alcohol to the point of rambling and in his eyes, his henchman was Veronica. "Huh! Disgusting!" Andre's henchman immediately pushed Andre's hand away, he shuddered in horror then imme
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36. Charlie's Death
Charlie's face tensed as he watched the video. In the video, it was clearly visible that Leon was being tortured by several people wearing black clothes. They were wearing masks that covered part of their faces. It was also seen when Leon was put into a sack in an unconscious state and his hands and feet were tied.Then the video also showed a fight between Andre and those people. Andre lost and was battered, then fainted. Then Leon was taken to the sea and dumped there."Andre, where did you get these videos? Are they real or edited?" asked Charlie with a tense face."Why do you doubt this video? This video is real, Uncle. Andre got it from those people. They wanted to ask me for ransom. They sent the first video. I couldn't bear it, so I intended to free Leon. But instead they ganged up on me until I lost and fainted. That's when they sent the second video. Then the third video." Charlie watched the videos again. He believed now that everything Andre said was true and the proof was
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