The Trillionaire Consortium’s Heir

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The Trillionaire Consortium’s Heir

By: Author_Rivenlox CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 740 views: 31.8K

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The good-for-nothing son-in-law turned out to be the sole heir of the world’s richest person! Christian Demetri accepted an offer to be a paid husband in order to save the orphanage where he grew up. During his time as a paid husband, he endured constant mistreatment from his wife’s family. He was insulted and humiliated by every member of the family and those who knew him. Everything changed when he received an email stating that he was the sole heir of the world’s richest man. With that wealth, he bought the whole world to silence everyone who had insulted him and those who had looked down on him. Christian Demetri, priceless. Money couldn’t evaluate him because money worked for him. #They Will Regret it Soon

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  • kindredhelpers


    totally hooked on this story line! each chapter is exciting!

    2024-02-20 11:25:01
  • kindredhelpers


    I really enjoyed this book! good read...

    2024-02-14 11:01:46
  • Gin Bals


    Nice but incredible story so unrealistic. Story line so anti poor

    2023-11-09 11:54:16
  • aliabukar498


    I get so angry at this author why did he have destroy an already good plot. I really liked it but the f*n mc is a f*n dumb loser even a child Is smarter than him

    2023-10-28 07:26:11
  • Maliti


    I want to buy bonus points

    2023-10-24 03:04:54
  • Rebecca


    I’m not sure I understand where this story is going.

    2024-03-23 02:31:54
Latest Chapter
740 chapters
Chapter 1
“Hello, Christian Demetri, I am your biological father, Carlos Demetri. Please forgive your father for reaching out only now...”“I left you and your mother in the past because I was naive and foolish at the time. Now, I don’t have much time left. I never married another woman in my life, and I have no other heir besides you. So, I’ve decided to pass on all my assets to you, and you will also be entrusted as the CEO and Chairman of BIG Consortium Corp knows as the Demetri Consortium.”“My assets, totaling 3,500 trillion, will all be inherited by you!”“I have already arranged for someone to assist you with all your needs. If you ever need help or encounter any problems, you can contact Darrell. His phone number is attached here. Christian, see you in Canada.”Christian’s eyes froze as he watched the figure of a man standing tall after the video ended. He suddenly found it difficult to breathe, and his mouth had to gasp for more oxygen.He was in the kitchen, planning to cook some food
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Chapter 2
Christian couldn’t contain his jumbled thoughts, pondering this and that.“Open the door? Don’t daydream too much! Get out of here now!” Yvette snapped.As if doused by a bucket of cold water, Christian’s heated fantasies instantly extinguished. He sighed and said, “Alright, I’m leaving now. I’ve left your clothes by the door.”After leaving the room, Christian continued to think about the strange email he had received.After a moment’s consideration, he finally contacted the person his father had assigned to help him.“Hello, this is Darrell speaking,” a man said from the other end of the phone.Christian fell silent for a moment, surprised that the number indeed belonged to Darrell.“So, you’re really Darrell?”“Yes.”Christian took a deep breath. Then he said, “I’m Christian Demetri. There’s something I need to ask. May I?”“Finally, you’ve contacted me,” Darrell said with a sigh of relief in his breath.“Go ahead, Mr. Demetri. What would you like to ask?” he continued.“I just rec
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Chapter 3
“But sir. My wife is inside. She could become a victim of harassment or worse. Please let me in to save my wife,” Christian pleaded.He had often heard stories about Declan from Yve, that the man had a high level of passion. Almost all the women he brought ended up in bed. Some willingly, and some by various means. And Christian was worried that the latter might be the case with Declan.Yvette must not be touched.“I haven’t seen any guests being forced. All the guests, especially the women, seem to have happy faces. Besides, this isn’t a hotel, so it’s unlikely that such incidents would happen here. If they do, we’ll handle it. Just relax!” said the big, dark-skinned security officer.Christian shook his head. Then, he pushed the security officer’s body and said, “I need to get in!”The security officer’s sturdy body, a retired soldier who had to retire early, remained unmoved by Christian’s push.“What part of what I said wasn’t clear? Go away! You’re just disturbing the order of th
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Chapter 4
A general manager, a respected figure throughout the city, bowed before a man named Christian. Who was this man, really?“You don’t need to apologize. It’s not your fault!” Christian said.Leopold stood up straight, saying, “Thank you very much, Mr. Demetri.”Then, Leopold turned to the security guard and Frankie. His gaze was so sharp that both men were afraid to meet his eyes.“What were you two doing to Mr. Demetri? How dare you lay a hand on Mr. Demetri!” Leopold exclaimed.Christian himself was confused by the behavior of the Bluemoon club’s general manager. He didn’t know that the nightclub belonged to him because he hadn’t read the list of companies under the BIG Consortium Corp.“Mr. Leopold, we were just following the rules. People without memberships are not allowed in,” Frankie explained, defending himself.Smack!Without warning, Leopold punched Frankie on the left cheek, in the same spot where he had been struck by Christian.“Do you know who he is? He’s—”Christian p
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Chapter 5
The tall man entered the room. He was Percival’s head of security, who had just returned from the restroom.“How was it? Easy to touch me? I think it’s much easier to touch your beautiful wife,” Percival said as he stroked Yve’s hand.“You bastard! I’ll break your legs and toss you onto the street to be eaten by stray dogs. You despicable human!” Christian shouted, rebelling.Hearing this, Percival grew furious. His face turned red.“You want to break my legs? I’ll break your legs first!”Percival was now only 25 centimeters away from Christian. He grabbed Christian’s hair.“You talk too much, but the result is zero. Just like your pathetic life. Living as a useless son-in-law who can only do housework like a servant, you’re not worthy to talk to me,” Percival said.Thwack!A slap landed on Christian’s left cheek.“Hahaha... trash! Try to hit me back. Slap my cheek!” Percival taunted with a smile on his face.Leopold couldn’t let this happen. He went against Christian’s orders, which
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Chapter 6
Octavian’s actions could potentially get him into trouble. Harming civilians could lead to disciplinary action for a soldier. Whether it’s a transfer, a delay in promotion, or even dismissal.“Feel free to report me if you want. I don’t care. I’ve memorized the faces of everyone here. It’s very easy for me to eliminate all of you and your family members!” Percival fell silent. He didn’t speak much anymore. His decision to report what Octavian had done would have to wait.Christian immediately approached Yve and checked her body temperature.“Is she okay?” Octavian asked.“She’s just drunk. She had too much to drink. I’ll take her home and take care of her. Thank you for helping me, General! Sorry for the trouble,” Christian said.“No need to be sorry. When I got the call from Darrell, I was nearby. So, it’s no trouble at all,” Octavian replied.Darrell again. This made Christian even more convinced that he had significant power now.Imagine, a brigadier general who controlled the eas
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Chapter 7
However, Christian later became doubtful. His consistently unfortunate life had accustomed him to not dreaming big, at least until he was absolutely sure that he was the heir to the Demetri Family’s wealth.What if they didn’t believe that the sender of the email was Christian Demetri? Or what if he wasn’t the rightful heir?But all those worries vanished when the reply email from CrispCrafter Industries arrived on his phone.“Good evening, Mr. Christian Demetri. We will promptly process your request. A board meeting will be held tomorrow to determine the requirements needed by the local companies in New York to collaborate with us. The results will be sent to you via email. Thank you.”After reading the letter, Christian felt extremely delighted. He stood on the garden chair and leaped to let out his joy.“I will make you happy, Yve!” Christian exclaimed.The Next Day,Yve hurriedly went to the office. Without hearing the events of the previous night, she realized that the deal with
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Chapter 8
“Do you know how much that necklace costs? How are you going to replace it?”Yve appeared panicked and stressed. For years, she had been giving Christian a monthly allowance of 3 million. If Christian hadn’t used any of it for three years, he would only have around 108 million left. That meant he would have to save for another 4 years to be able to replace the necklace.It wasn’t possible for Yve to replace it herself. She didn’t have that much money. She only had 20 million in her savings.But seeing the panic in his wife’s eyes, Christian smiled. He was glad to see that she still cared about him.If Christian had done this a few days ago, he wouldn’t be this calm. He might have been even more panicked than Yve.“Darling, I brought you lunch. Where would you like to eat? In the room or in the garden?” Christian handed a red lunchbox to his wife.“Wish-wish-wish... you’ve ruined someone else’s property, and you can still act so relaxed like this? Yve is panicking, but you’re acting li
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Chapter 9
There’s nothing wrong with what Elara said when she saw the clothes Christian was wearing. A set of clothes that, if sold, wouldn’t fetch more than 50 thousand.“Oh, 20 billion, is it? Quite substantial, isn’t it?” Christian asked, his left hand on his stomach and his right hand stroking his chin.Elara clearly didn’t like Christian’s attitude, which she thought was akin to that of a billionaire with assets in the hundreds of billions.Indeed, Elara’s estimate was far from accurate. Because Christian’s assets reached trillions.“Not just substantial, but exceedingly so. Moreover, we also carefully screen the data of those who want to open accounts with this bank. So, it’s not easy to become a customer of GMI bank,” Elara said.Christian then nodded, mumbling, “Well, in that case, the money I have here is truly fantastic. Helping Yve won’t be difficult for me.”His voice wasn’t loud, but Elara could hear him clearly. So, she furrowed her brow and assessed the ragged man in front of her
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Chapter 10
Not only Elara was surprised, but the entire room, especially the two security guards, were as well. If this happened, those two men were the luckiest ones.Elara was the most beautiful woman at GMI Bank. Her body enticed every man who laid eyes on her. Even seeing her in office attire was enough to make their mouths water, let alone without clothes.“You were the one who told me to take off my clothes earlier. Now, I’ll turn the tables on you. Come on, strip. Or do you think you’re not even the slightest bit guilty?” Christian said, nonchalantly, as if instructing someone to eat.Elara deeply regretted what she had said to Christian earlier. She didn’t expect that Christian would seek revenge on her like this.For a woman, a punishment like this was the most severe. Being completely exposed in front of a man who wasn’t her husband was a severe blow to her self-esteem and psyche.But the other option, leaving her 3-year-old child behind, was clearly not an option for Elara.“Mr. Chris
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