All Chapters of Defeat the Megant Invasion using System Overpower : Chapter 1 - Chapter 8
8 chapters
Chapter. 1 Sean the Loser Man 
“You lousy guy! What exactly can you do in this world, huh? You can’t even do this!” The restaurant owner’s anger grew when Sean Hodgson accidentally spilled an order that was about to be delivered to a customer. Sean could only bow his head deeply with great guilt.“Sorry, sir!”“What? Sorry? Does that sentence bring back my food? Do you think that will bring back the good name of this restaurant? Your only mistake now is working here. The restaurant manager shouldn’t accept a loser like you!”“I.... I’ll replace the food with my salary, sir.”“Salary? Which salary do you mean? You’ve made too many mistakes here. So all the compensation has used up your entire salary. Now I don’t care. Get the hell out of here. Because I fired you!”Sean reflexively knelt down to beg for forgiveness. This was the longest he had ever worked. Although he had only been working at this restaurant for three months. However, in other places, he could only last a month or only two weeks and even once only a
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Chapter. 2 Another Pretty Weird Days
Sean was blown into the endless passage of time. Then he seemed to fall on a transparent floor that was quite hard."Ouch. Where is this? Did I die of starvation?" Sean muttered while trying to stand up. He looked around. A wall of light surrounded him strangely enough. With great curiosity. Sean approached it and raised his hand to touch the wall. As expected, the wall could not be touched, making his hand seem to enter another dimension. Sean quickly withdrew his hand again.[WELCOME TO SYSTEM OVERPOWER. Press 'Yes' to continue.]A voice was heard while showing a hologram screen floating in the center of the place. Sean immediately turned his attention while walking closer. He did not fully understand the meaning of the writing. However, in order to answer that curiosity, Sean pressed 'Yes'. Instantly, the hologram screen in front of him changed color, which was originally green, now became golden blue.[PRESS MENU FOR FURTHER INFORMATION.]The voice said again. And again, Sean just
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Chapters. 3 Big Scary Monsters 
Sean returned to the restaurant while the monsters were destroying all the facilities. They looked like creatures full of rage. So they destroyed everything in front of them. People who hadn't had time to save themselves. Captured and eaten alive in that place. Including Sean's coworkers, who had often underestimated him."Help! Help me!" shouted the man in the waitress's uniform. His hands tried to break free. However, he seemed to have complete immobilization on his legs. The monster's mouth opened horribly. Preparing to tear the man's body into its lunch. "No! Help! I don't want to die!" he screamed. "Argh!" The man could only scream while closing his eyes tightly. Terrified. Suddenly, there was a loud gunshot next to the man. He opened his eyes. At that moment, his body seemed to float in the air. He fell along with the monster's lifeless body. So did the other monsters in that place. They were already lying on the floor with gunshot wounds on each head."Sean," he muttered. Star
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Chapter. 4 Human Life in Sean’s Weak Hands
“Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry in!” said a man wearing a health worker’s uniform. Beside him, an ambulance was evacuating the survivors.“Calm down, I’ll help get you out of there,” Claudia said as she tried to lift the billboard that had fallen on a little girl’s leg.“Claudia! Quickly bring her here!” the man shouted at Claudia who had not managed to evacuate the poor little girl. However, suddenly the monsters seemed to start arriving, causing the man to panic.“Claudia! That’s it! Leave her alone! We have to go!” he shouted. Claudia was confused. She hadn’t managed to get the girl out of there yet. However, she didn’t want to fall victim to the monster either.“Help! Help me!” the little girl pleaded. While holding Claudia’s leg who was about to leave. Of course Claudia’s day immediately felt pity. She abandoned her intention to leave and went back to trying to get the girl out. “Shit! This girl is so stubborn,” the man grumbled.“What do we do then, sir?” asked another health worker
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Chapter. 5 Nearly Failing the Mission
A few moments of handling the little girl's body with makeshift tools. Finally, the little girl regained consciousness as well. Claudia was very grateful and ended up hugging the girl tightly. However, it seemed like their fun couldn't last long. Because the Megant Monsters came back and tried to break the glass in that place to get in and catch them. Of course, it immediately made the situation in the building tense. "Damn it! I haven't rested yet. But they're already back quickly," Sean grumbled."Don't grumble too much! Hurry up and protect us all! We can't let our guard down. Unless we want to be their next meal!" said one of the soldiers."Alright. I got it." Sean aimed his rifle at the large glass windows surrounding the place. "Damn it! There are too many of them! Quickly, we have to go to a safer place!" Sean ordered as the horde of monsters filled all the glass. They attacked him with full force. The glass began to crack.Sean and the others walked backwards towards the elev
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Chapters. 6 Megant Monster Attacks Sarah's Engagement Party
In the morning, Sean woke up with his body in better condition than before. On his watch, there was a picture of a samurai. The weapon he had chosen last night. Sean gripped his hand firmly. His face was full of confidence. With this weapon he was sure he could kill more monsters. Because there was no need to be afraid of running out of bullets."Sean you're awake. How are you doing now?" asked Claudia who was also awake."Much better than before," Sean replied confidently. He stood up and jumped up and down with a happy face. Meanwhile, Claudia and the others just looked at Sean confused.The day was getting later. The sun was very hot. This also made the monsters not show themselves and chose to hide in the nest they had built in the tallest building in the city. Sean and the others stared in horror at the mound of earth that towered high into the sky. "Is that where they gathered?" asked one soldier as he stared at the mound of earth. In fact, it was quite a distance from where th
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Chapter. 7 Sarah Captured by the Megant Monster
"Sean," Sarah murmured with an incredulous look at the man who bravely helped her at such a terrible time. The man looked dashing with a long samurai in his hand.Sarah's body fell along with the Megant Monster's body which had been cut into several parts. Fortunately, Sean swiftly ran to catch her slender body before it hit the hard floor. Sean put Sarah's body on the floor. Then when he was about to leave her. Suddenly Sarah's hand grabbed his leg."Sean, wait! Help me! Please!" Sarah said pleadingly. Sean was silent for a while. However, remembering all the actions that Sarah did to him made his heart have no compassion for her anymore."Ask your rich boyfriend for help," Sean said curtly while brushing Sarah's hand off his leg. Sean walked away."Sean wait! You have to help me! Because I know who your parents really are. They are still alive and not just anyone," said Sarah who managed to make Sean's steps stop. Sean immediately turned his body and returned to Sarah."What do you
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Chapter. 8 I'm Just a Loser
Sean sat pensively alone in a corner of the underground dome. He was watching the night sky through a glass window that could be opened. Suddenly, Claudia came over and handed him a canned drink.“Thank you,” Sean replied as he accepted the drink.“You're welcome. Looks like that girl means a lot to you. Is she your girlfriend?” asked Claudia. Sean smiled briefly. Then shook his head slowly.“No,” Sean answered briefly. However, it managed to make Claudia's forehead wrinkle perfectly. The girl also shook her head slowly, as if she couldn't believe what Sean had just said. “I mean, we were together once. When we were young and innocent. But after he learned the meaning of wealth. He just dumped me for another man who already had everything. ”Claudia smiled and Sean saw it then. “You would have thought the same thing if you were in that position, right?”“Oh, no. That's not what I think.”“Then?”“I think that girl must be feeling a lot of regret right now. Because the man she chose tur
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