All Chapters of Almighty Lord Adam : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
22 chapters
Adam didn't know any of his mother's family members, nor has she talked about her family. All he knew was the rented apartment they lived in. Adam wanted his identity to be kept a secret so he changed his clothes into a simple one, and went to his neighborhood along with Stacey who carried a briefcase. He instructed his men to stay somewhere and wait for him.Immediately they arrived at the neighborhood, his mother's mean landlord was already there. He had packed all his mother's belongings and threw them outside of the house. Their rent was due for five months unpaid rent.“What the hell is happening here?” Adam asked, shocked by the action of the landlord.“Oh speaking of the devil. I'm sick and tired of you and your wretched mother, she couldn't even pay up her rent. I've been patient enough for five months, and now I'm throwing her things away!” He said aggressively.Stacey was pissed she was about to teach the man how to speak but Adam stopped her, he nodded for her not to do an
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Mr. Luther felt his soul leaving his body, he was frozen in fear and shock. He thought Adam would be dead by now, he was expecting the police to return with the divorce papers and not this, he strictly told the cops what to do.“Why are you all looking so shocked like you've seen a ghost?” Adam taunted with sarcasm.“What the hell are you doing here Adam?” Racheal asked aggressively.“Oh how irritating. It has only been a day and you're already planning a new marriage?” Adam walked closer to them.“Get out of here Adam or else we're calling the police!” Monica threatened.“Oh go ahead, you did call them the last time and they didn't do much of a thing.”Suddenly Robin walked forward. “I'm going to beat you up if you don't leave now!” He said fiercely.“Go ahead son, teach this nuisance a lesson!” Monica supported.Adam smirked, “I'd like to see you try, Robin.”“You're going to regret coming back to this mansion.” Robin snarled, his eyes blazed with fury as he launched a swift punch a
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Racheal's eyes widened in horror, "No, Adam, can't be serious!”Drake's face darkened. . "You're insane, Adam. We'll never let that happen.”Mr. Luther gritted his teeth, "Adam, I implore you, reconsider. Racheal's life depends on that kidney. Taking it back would be murder.”Robin, still nursing his broken arm, looked on in shock, his eyes darting between Adam and his family. "Dude, what's wrong with you? You're like a monster or something.”“A monster? That's what you all turned me into. You took advantage of my kindness and now you shall pay for every single thing that you did.”“This is immature of you Adam, if the money is your problem I'll give you double of it, just give us the divorce papers.” Drake chimed in, he has been quiet the whole time, scared of interrupting not to get involved in Adam's brutality, the last time he challenged, Adam broke his nose. But seeing how the situation was going he had to prove himself as the future son-in-law, and without those div
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The next morning, Adam was in his hotel room, having a zoom meeting with the other Generals. General Marco: Supreme General, we received your message from Stacey, however we still need you to return to duty. Our enemies have doubled in numbers during your absence, and our men in the border are struggling to keep the country safe. “I am on duty Marco, trust me I know what I'm doing. But I can't reveal my identity, at least not now. For the safety of my wife. General Daniel: We understand you, Supreme General, and we shall keep to that. But what about the strategies? We need strategies to tackle our enemies before they do to us the unspeakable. “That won't happen Daniel, during the last war our forces destroyed a very large number of their army, they'll need an extra three years to rebuild that loss. What they are trying to do is send a threat, so we can attack. While doing so they will know the numbers and potential of our force, using that as a lead strategy to plot against us.
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“Hey!—” Drake tried to hold her but she hit him in the groin, he bent in pain and she delivered a hard punch on his face, he crashed on the ground along with Racheal.“So you're the bitch who married my brother, only to treat him like dirt!” Stacey said, she circled around them, her eyes blazing with fury. The crowd, gasped, murmured, and snapped pictures of the unfolding drama.“You have no idea what you've missed out, you have no clue who my brother is. After all he did for you, he gave his kidney to save your life, you ungrateful bitch! And you left him for this thing?” She sneered at Drake.“What you think he's more richer? Because he drives a Lamborghini?” Stacey gestured at Drake's car, her hands trembling with rage. She pulled out a pocket knife and strode towards the car. She slashed all four tires, the sound of hissing air and ripping rubber filling the air.Drake's face contorted in horror. “No! Stop!” Drake screamed.Stacey used her legs and arms to break all the car window
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The famous Hall, Zeus Hall, had been rented by Drake. This has become the number one trending topic on the Internet. Zeus Hall was a grand Hall, only ever used by famous celebrities and millionaires and Drake renting the hall for his upcoming wedding was a record on its own. Adam was at a restaurant, a meal was served on his table, but he was more concentrated on his phone, scrolling through the Internet, before Stacey came in. “Good morning Lord Adam.” She greeted. “Hello Stacey. Did you get everything ready?” Adam inquired. “Yes, everything is ready. The plan will be set in motion tomorrow right at the wedding ceremony.” Stacey replied. “That's great. They may think it's all over because we gave them the divorce papers, but the bigger picture will be displayed tomorrow.” Adam smirked. “Have you called your wife since you came here?” Stacey asked. “No, I haven't,” Adam said. “I don't want to be distracted, tomorrow everything will be done and we'll return back to Ray Cit
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Mrs. Penthouse intervened, her voice shrill. "How dare you talk to my husband in such a manner! Security!" she barked. The guards marched in promptly, their faces stern. "How did this man get in here?" Mrs. Penthouse demanded. "He came with an invite, ma'am," one of the guards replied, his voice hesitant. Monica's eyes narrowed. "An invite? How did he get it?" she wondered aloud, her voice laced with suspicion. Adam just smiled, his eyes glinting with triumph. "Surprising, isn't it?" he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, as he held up the invitation card. "Haven't you done enough already?" Mr. Luther thundered, his face red with rage. "You broke my son's arm, humiliated my daughter and son-in-law in public... What more do you want? Leave this hall, Adam, before things escalate further!" Adam's smile grew wider as he gazed at the furious family. "Oh, haven't you guys heard the news? I thought it would have reached you by now." Mr. Luther's anger turned to confusion. "What ne
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The guests looked at each other in confusion, then began to murmur and file out of the hall, one by one. The occasion, once joyful and celebratory, had descended into chaos and disorder."You're heartless, Adam!" Racheal spat, her eyes blazing with contempt. "You think this would break me? Make me beg? Trust me, I'd rather die than give you the satisfaction. You'll lose at your own twisted game!"Stacey's voice cut through the chaos. "Time's up!" she announced, her eyes cold and detached.Instantly, her men marched in, their movements swift and decisive. They grasped the Odias, dragging them out of the hall with firm hands."Hey! Don't touch me!" Mr. Luther protested, struggling against the grip."Let go of my arm!" Monica cried, trying to shake off the men."What are you doing? Who are you people? Let me go!" Rhea demanded, her voice rising in panic.But the men were unyielding, their faces expressionless as they hauled the Odias out of the hall. The scene was one of utter chaos, wit
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The Penthouse security guards attempted to intervene, but Adam's heavily armed soldiers swiftly neutralized them. Meanwhile, Adam stood at a distance, his hands casually tucked into his pockets, observing everything going on. Rhea's eyes locked onto him, and she stormed over, her face twisted in anguish and fury. "Why did you do this, Adam? Why!" she yelled, her voice cracking with emotion. Adam's smirk was a thin, cruel line. "It's almost... funny," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "how you're the actual cause of all this." Rhea's eyes blazed with accusation. "So, you're doing all this to get back at me?" "No, this isn't about you. It's about punishing your entire family. You and your sister's twisted game cost me my mother. And this is just the beginning. I'll dismantle your family's empire, brick by brick." Rhea's anger boiled over, and she swung a slap at Adam, but he caught her wrist in a lightning-fast move, his grip like a vice. "This isn't the past," he warned,
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"This is utterly humiliating," Theresa lamented. "What will I tell all my friends?"Mr. Luther's expression turned stern, his patience wearing thin. "Theresa, please. This is no time for frivolous concerns. We're facing a crisis that could destroy our reputation, and you're worried about what your fair-weather friends will think? The ones who only invite you over for drinks, but offer no real support?"The whole family was venting their frustration, their voices raised in distress, when suddenly Mr. Penthouse's phone rang, shrill in the tense atmosphere. He answered, his assistant's voice on the other end, and his expression turned even grimmer"Hello, Jerry," "Hello, Mr. Penthouse. I've got devastating news," Jerry replied in a panic. "A disaster has struck the office. All our business partners and shareholders have severed ties with us, effective immediately. As I speak, our company is going bankrupt!"Mr. Penthouse shot up from his seat, his face ashen. "What!? How is that possibl
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