All Chapters of The Unexpected Heir: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
20 chapters
Kay’s Karma
Wellington's Holdings:Kay walked into the company's complex, feeling smug. He was definitely sure that Abraham had called him to talk about their project and they will be awarded. This will make his mother value him even more.After hearing from his mom that she was going to retire soon, he had already begun to feel like a boss."Good day Mr Abraham, " Kay greeted with a wide smile as he took a seat.Abraham looked at him, his eyes narrowing. "Who asked you to sit?"Dave had specifically asked him not to make Kay comfortable in the company.Kay frowned at Abraham's rude tone. If not for the status Abraham held, Kay was old enough to be his father. "You called me here to talk about the project.""Yes I did. But it won't take long so there's no need to sit down."Kay was utterly confused. It won't take long? Maybe Abraham just wanted him to sign the contract and then leave without discussing the terms but that would seem unprofessional."I don't understand what you mean by it won't tak
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The Brighton Family In Chaos
"My excellent son is finally home," Lady Gaga said with a smile as Kay walked into the living room. The entire family was gathered there waiting for his arrival.Lady Gaga had even ordered the maids to prepare delicious delicacies to celebrate her son's success. In her mind, the contract will elevate their status in the eyes of others.Kay stood in front of the Brighton family with a stiff smile.Lady Gaga and the rest of the family were confused on seeing his expression. They were all waiting for the good news but Kay had walked in here looking gloomy.Did something happen at the Wellington's company?Did the chairman reject the contract?"Kay, what's wrong?" Lady Gaga asked impatiently. "Wasn't the contract signed successfully?""We weren't awarded the contract," Kay muttered. "The chairman didn't like it."Lady Gaga raised a brow. The board themselves had approved the proposal and even called it one of their best. She also went through it and felt it was good.What were the chairma
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Getting Married Again
The next day, Lily went to the Wellington's Holdings with the proposal in her hand."Good morning, I'm here to see Mr Abraham," She said with a smile at the receptionist. "Do you have an appointment with him?" "Yes," Lily nodded."Hold on let me inform him, you can go sit over there for the meantime," She said with the same smile pointing to a cluster of comfortable chairs at the corner.Lily sat down on one and took out her phone to play games."Ma'am, you may go now.""Thank you."Waiting for the elevator to arrive, Dave and few other of employees walked out of it. Their eyes locked.Dave merely glanced at her and started to walk away but she held him back. "What is it?" He asked coldly. Lily swallowed hard at Dave's sudden coldness towards her. "I–I need your help."Dave raised a brow, "What do you need my help for? Don't you have Eric?" "He has gone bankrupt. His family is of no use to us." "Oh I see," Dave replied, feigning ignorance."Please Dave you have to help me put. Grandma
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Brandon shook his head at Dave's behaviour. " I would advise you don't reveal your identity just yet. You know what would happen if you do."Dave nodded. "Yes I do. Abraham told me I had a brother." "Yes, you do and you will meet him soon and also get ready for a confrontation."Dave glanced at him with a raised brow. "Why would my brother confront me? We haven't seen each other for years now. There shouldn't be any reason for that."Brandon smiled slightly. "Young master, don't be too naive. I heard that your ex wife has been troubling you, maybe with this marriage it could chase her off your back.""Don't tell me that you're trying to lure me into another marriage with this.""No, no. I'm not trying to lure you in at all. It's actually for your own good. And your grandfather has made a deal with theirs, if you get married to her, an alliance between the Wellingtons and their family will make their family grow stronger.""So they are using us as prawns in their game?" Dave asked, fur
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Marriage Of Convenience
Sophia kept glancing at her wristwatch. "What's taking Clementine so long to get back here? I hope she didn't get into trouble."Standing up, she decided to go check up on her sister. Her so called fiance hasn't showed up yet and she was getting impatient already. He has kept waiting for three hours!Seeing the crowd, she raised a brow when she heard her sister's loud pitched voice."Clementine, what's going on here?""Thank goodness you are here, Sophia. This trash bumped into me without looking at where he was going. He smashed my expensive phone to the ground, he didn't even apologize."Dave was surprised. "Ma'am, I apologized to you and even asked to buy you a new phone and now you're saying I didn't apologize to you?"He was already getting fed up with her tantrums. She clearly wanted to embarrass him.Sophia looked up at Dave and couldn't help but smile. He didn't look like someone who could afford such a luxury, perhaps he was only saying this to get Clementine off his back."I
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Beneath The Surface
Dave turned his head and was met with the Lily who had a shocked expression on her face on seeing him. He narrowed his eyes. This woman seemed to be everywhere after his divorce, he glanced at the man beside her who was holding her like they were some couple and he couldn’t help but shake his head.The man beside her exuded an air of pride. He was dressed in rather expensive wears. His eyes had dark circles beneath them with a lustful gaze as he stared at Sophia. He must be a frequent drunk and womanizer.Was this the woman he had married?Jumping into the arms of any man who was rich and would want to have her? Who knows, while he had kept late nights waiting for his wife? She had been out, warming the beds of rich men.Lisa glanced at the ladies beside Dave and she found one to be particularly beautiful. Even more beautiful than her, she looked like a very rich lady because she had the pose of a noble. Jealously crept into her bones and she glanced at Dave with disdain.“So after ou
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Family’s Dynamics
Lily scoffed loudly. "Woman, this man here would never impersonate any one. Whatever you say doesn't count.""Yes!" Jayden responded, with a nod. "You're only jealous that you are not with me!""Clementine, why don't we teach these two a lesson. Call the police. "A layer of sweat appeared on Jayden's face and wiped it off, swallowing hard.Lily stared at him, nudging him on his arm. "Jayden, prove to them that they are wrong. You are the scion of the Smith's family! You wouldn't lie to me right?""Don't be stupid, woman!" Jayden yelled, pushing her away forcefully that she fell to the ground, red with embarrassment.This!Jayden fell on his knees. "I'm sorry. Please don't report me to the police or the Smiths. I met this woman in the bar and she was too beautiful to resist, knowing how materialistic she was, I decided to decieve her with this identity."Clementine clicked her tongue over her teeth. "Tsk, tsk. The clothes on your body are a fake. Sister, they are not even designers an
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Riddles and Secrets
Sophia stared at her sister. "You're too young to understand how the world works. It's unfair to everyone, and if getting married to that man would make the family as useful then I would gladly give up myself.""You're sick!" Clementine spat out angrily and ran up the stairs. Mia walked up to her daughter. "You can still walk out of this madness.""I have made up my mind, mother. I can't change it or we both know what will happen. I can't let us go live on the streets when there is an alternative."Mia bursted into tears. "Xander just wants to destroy my daughter's life," she cried, rubbing her fingers on Sophia's delicate skin."Mom, stop crying. All this won't solve any of our problems. We have to look for a way to go through all these and still come out strong," Sophia said, wiping her tears."Unfortunately, I am not as strong as you as my dear.""You are stronger than you think mother," Sophia said, holding her shoulder in a comforting manner. Taking one glance at her father, Sop
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Tying The Knot
The funeral service of Xander Brett was conducted smoothly and soon all the Bretts gathered in the living room.Xander's wife, Diana had taken over the seat and became the family head in his place as that was what he wanted before he died."Grandpa said he knew that we would be bullied by uncle and grandma, why then did he make grandma the family head? All this so confusing," Charlotte muttered into her sister's ears."Shssh, Grandmother is about to make an announcement," Mia warned.Diana stared at her family with a stern face and she glanced at Brandon and looked away."Mother, preparations for your birthday are going smoothly and it will be the talk of the town," Gerald said with a big smile.Sophia was confused. Her grandfather had just been buried today and all they could think of was to celebrate a birthday? "But grandma, grandfather has just been buried. Can't you celebrate your birthday next year?"Diana shot her a sharp gaze and Sophia instantly regretted her words. "Xander
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Pink Diamond
At that point, Dave entered the office and everyone turned towards him with expectant gazes.Seeing him with nothing, the clerk couldn't help but sneer. "Seems you didn't bring anything just like I had predicted," She said with a smug smile.Sophia looked at Dave with disappointment. "You couldn't get a ring? I told you to let Charlotte buy a ring for us but you refused."The other couples who were waiting in line to get married couldn't help but witness amongst themselves."What kind of a man is this? He couldn't even bring a ring for his wife!""He even had the audacity to come back empty handed.""Don't y'all see how poorly dressed he is, how can he possibly afford a ring?""And his wife is really beautiful. I pity her.""Don't pity her, she isn't blind to know how poor her husband is. If I were her, I would have left here a long time ago but she's still here."Dave looked at them and said, "I have a ring ready for my wife. It's just taking time for it to get here.""You still have
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